
I really do want to know if he's contractually obligated to not say "priceless" anywhere else but in a Mastercard commercial.

I'm also in the cult of "Waking the Dead" — I have it on DVD and bring it out every so often. Not just for the performances but for the direction (I love bleak, overcast, snowy shot movies) and the Joni Mitchell- led soundtrack. It's so great.

I would love the PG-13 minutes option with the ability to watch said 13 minutes. Opening to UP, mountain chase scene in Man from UNCLE . . .

I left after Season 3 but I'd love to come back and see the Jess/Nick relationship that show has always hinted could be. A time jump might actually be a perfect solution.

He also always plays on the edge of asexual/heterosexual/homosexual as well. Tom Hardy is just great.

She's a force for selling diamond solitaire bracelets, villains being the heroes of their own story, and nepotism.

Trump's inner circle each now has a position of total influence with no checks and/or balances. Jared, Ivanka and Bannon. I read this as Bannon getting a promotion.

It proves you don't need CGI because those hand made shrimp cocktail hands were amazing.

(puts needle on the record)
(stands through the intro)

Agreed — my feeling has been if I were heterosexual, I would never need to declare my sexuality with a flag. I would just be. Because at the end of the day, who really cares about my sex life but me?

As a bisexual female, I can only say that I loved the brightness and the positivity of seeing all those colors together. RIP Gilbert Baker. I never knew your name but maybe we both felt the same thing about what we are — brightness and positivity.

The only issue I have with Aronofsky is that sometimes he's too intellectual about the severely deep problems he presents — addiction, death, love, responsibility. I wish he'd let his guard down.

I didn't know about the '90 minutes' thing — that's amazing.

"You know when you Google 'Class A Moron', my name comes up first. Step aside Randy Quaid" — is mine. Because every now and then I google Alec Baldwin and giggle that the 'class A moron' joke still comes up first.

Maybe the takeaway is that no race's preference for film can be quantified.

Sidebar: You have to admire David Simon. Paul Thomas Anderson did the art of Porn. when it tried to be art and when it didn't care. David Simon is going to do the society of Porn. And I'll wait for him to tell me that story.

He's not sexy now??

With all due respect to the ladies of the 80's who bought Sweatin with the Oldies, THEN. I'm sure deep down most of them knew. But there were a definite contingent of them who didn't.

It could just be a competition thing. You want to stay in the spotlight but how many films in action/drama are made in the spotlight a year? 15? Of those 15, how many actors are clamoring? So then he has to compete with all the A-list bro white guys: Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Chris Pratt, Sam Worthington, Chris Evans,

I will stand by my love of Aaron Eckhart in 'The Dark Knight' — yes, that was Heath Ledger's movie but Aaron Eckhart had sooo much sleeper potential for a possible sequel to that movie. Not to mention as the possible only counterpart/threat to the idea of Batman ever.