
Or the internet. We, the US, are not doing well with the internet at all.


As a non-celebrity who wears pencil skirts and tights through the winter, read: a lot of Spanx I can tell you, crotchless is pretty common. Also, as long as you wear the size that fits you, Spanx are relatively comfortable.

(ugly sobbing) "game over, man."

It's tough for me with Raven. On the one hand, I love her more than any other female character on the show. Not just because she's STEM but also because of her supreme confidence. Raven was truly ALIE'S equal. Clarke should have never been involved. Season 3 should have been Raven's and Raven's alone given the big bad

Ha, when I was writing that post I deleted a parens of (even Trump has Bannon) but yeah . . . horrifying.

I can't reply to Johnny Law's comment (why is everything in this thread awaiting moderation) but when did Bellamy step down from "leadership" in season 2?

This song was the thing that an ex and I sort of got together with — I was playing it at work and he said he loved this one too and we sat and listened to it. It's how we became friends and then more.

If it somehow turns into that, I will not complain. Either way, unless the tickets are some insane $3,070 per seat thing (looking at you David Oyelowo's Othello), I'm going.

You're so right. I always wrote the whole 'Wanheda'/Commander of Death thing off because until Roan popped up, the leadership of any and all of the grounders, regardless of tribe/kru, seemed to be female-only. So of course they're going to blame the prominent woman/heda.

I call it the "Superman Jesus Treatment" — it's basically when they start centering the entire narrative around one person and how EVERYTHING comes down to that one person and only that person can save everyone and everything. Like Kirk in Glee or Oliver Queen in Arrow. The fundamental problem with this narrative is

Ha! I posted the same thing above. Shouldn't have sorted the comments by newest! But I agree. I MISS CONSEQUENCES.

I agree as well. Even something like the list in season 1 would have been this fleshed out battle between people as they essentially face the dilemma from the Ark. I mean, imagine it in season 1?? Instead they bring that up, force Clarke to do it, have Bellamy somehow sleep while she's doing it only to wake up and

I'm going to ship for Harper/Jaha just to be able to have 'Haha' as a ship-name.

HE WAS BENNY!?!? He's now on my one to watch list. So hot.

I love, love, love the show's dry humor. I think Murphy is the funniest character on the show. But agreed, it would nice to see more of 'day in the life' and 'oh wait, we're actual kids' stuff.

The difference between the show's treatment of Bellamy season 1 to Bellamy season 4 is stark. They've glossed over a lot of Bellamy in past seasons so that he's become this character who exists to be Clarke's heart and a guy whose capable of random, extreme violence. I'm waiting patiently for it to go back to treating

Also, amazing dreads and tattoos. Nyko was a damn good looking man.

I was legit upset about Nyko. I loved his character and his whole look. I always cheered when he showed up places. Farewell Nyko, may we meet again.

He is reunited with his one true love. It's Monty.