
I have to admit, I've been humbled by the election. Not because Trump won but because I didn't realize how much pain America has. So many of us feel lost, disenfranchised, powerless. In that way, I understand —- Washington is broken, we need to fix it. I may not believe Donald Trump will fix it but I understand it. I

Too Many Secrets!

Agreed. To me, that whole film is centered around Wilson.

I'm deeply nostalgic about his retirement. Yeah yeah Sundance, but God he had some great performances — 'All is Lost' was brutal and compelling, but before that — The Way We Were, Butch Cassidy, Legal Eagles, Out of Africa, Three Days of the Condor.

Why do I feel like the SyFy channel is reading this and going — wait a second, Novempussy, Novempussy, how have we not thought of this? Monkeys to your typewriters!

I loved Frewer as the stern dad in 'Honey, I Shrunk the Kids'

Yes. Make no mistake — it's a gorgeous Broadway musical. Any person at that age will love it.

So you want to rap with them rather than being rapped at?

So you want to rap with them rather than being rapped at?

So you want to rap with them rather than being rapped at?

So you want to rap with them rather than being rapped at?

The corporate tax is more than just parties. Everyone seems to be on board with that. Hell, Delaware's corporate code is so pro-corporations they might as well use it as a marketing campaign.

The corporate tax is more than just parties. Everyone seems to be on board with that. Hell, Delaware's corporate code is so pro-corporations they might as well use it as a marketing campaign.

The corporate tax is more than just parties. Everyone seems to be on board with that. Hell, Delaware's corporate code is so pro-corporations they might as well use it as a marketing campaign.

The corporate tax is more than just parties. Everyone seems to be on board with that. Hell, Delaware's corporate code is so pro-corporations they might as well use it as a marketing campaign.

Yeah I've actually seen it. But before that, I fan-girled EVERYTHING about it. You can see without seeing it. In other words: Great Job, Internet! because you let people see Hamilton without having to pay the crazy-exorbitant fees or winning the ticket lottery (which my friend did and took me).

Wouldn't the first part of your statement negate the last? If you've already learned through rap, why wouldn't you be open to learning more?

As someone who thinks the GOP is in shambles and have somehow, SOMEHOW let a demented stub-fingered devil become their presidential candidate, there's still something to that party I hope survives this election and Trump. I hope Paul Ryan survives. The way I used to hope John McCain survived. Because some of them are

My fashion wish for one of these events is for Hillary to go full jewel-colored power suit with shoulder pads, fluffed out hair and heavy make-up just so I can watch her take him down 80's style. At the end, maybe 9 to 5 plays. Or Night Rangers 'Secret of my Success.' While she commutes down a busy New York street in

I'm failing Arrested Development. I'M A MONSTER!!!!!