
I'll admit to being just fine with them not showing the post-attempted-rape hook-up that was in the book. And I'll be just fine if they skip the whole beating thing, especially considering what's going on with the NFL.

It was a small moment, but I really liked his "long and heavy" joke. Claire's eye-roll reaction followed by him looking at Jamie, and then quickly turning away was funny. I'm going to miss the highland guys, they're one of my favorite parts of the show.

On my side, Chris Knight or Lane Meyer. It's just wrong to chose. Bunny slippers vs. death toga? I will not.

That's like Sophie's Choice — you should never have to pick between the two. Call it a tie, for humanity..

I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates who said, "I drank what?"

I dunno Odyssey's "Native New Yorker" is pretty epic and a definite front-runner. But it could be its own subgenre of music once you start thinking about it — the Leonard Cohen stuff alone…

This is what you want the internet to be.

The lyrics to this song have always, always killed me.

If you need a pick me up, the NPR breakdown and subsequent interview was really refreshing and the sort of treatment a writer/producer like Rhimes deserves.

Ugh, people suck.

It was impressive how much power and sound came from them, despite it being outside and having the house lights on for the majority of the show. It's definitely not the crazy heart pounding experience of a basement show but you can't see Jack White like that anymore anyway… and I'll happily happily take Fenway on a

Me too! I also may have reverted back to being a 13 year old girl for a moment during "we are going to be friends".

I was there last night. He was amazing, the night was amazing, and his backing band is a thing of joy and wonder. It's funny, all summer long all you hear about him has centered on him basically being a curmudgeon, but last night he played a 2+ hour set, was friendly with the Boston crowd and seemed to be genuinely

It's just another excuse!!

Same. What's great though is that he just keeps living up to being as awesome as he was in this.

Murtaugh is a babe. He has great eyes. Killer hair and beard (a hipster dream) and an expression that always looks like he's in on some private joke. Because he is as he seems to know exactly what's up. Not to mention he's the only one whose been able to challenge and get through to Claire while remaining respectful

The strongest part of last night for me was the second half of their conversation because you're just not sure if Claire is telling Randall he can be redeemed is because he has Frank's face or if she was trying to play him again. It ending with an actual gut punch felt like a big moment for her character and the show.

She has great microexpressions — like the book, you can always tell what she's thinking. The actress should also consider publishing a book on skin care because it is a new level of glowy and amazing. How? How?

Ha, same. I know we're all supposed to swoon over Jamie and he's fine, but I'm all about Murtaugh. His line last week, something like "we can insult you, god help anyone else who tries" and the look on this one. I really hope the show continues to amp him significantly up from the books because it is working for me.
