Blue brain

The Erica and Gail pairing was always the most logical one. Also, I winced when Tandy lashed out at Gail's attempt to save Phil. That episode where he died bummed me out for weeks. I can completely see the POV of someone who is marginally but still the most qualified person trying to fix things but still failing.

As someone staring down the barrel of 40, I am so glad to watch a show that is dealing with those who aren't nubile but still dealing with shit.

Depressed Ravi is a punchable Ravi. "I hate sex slavery as much as anybody . . . "

I'd like that professor from a few seasons ago to come back to be the fling. This guy is conventionally good looking but Adam Rodriguez was smoking hot and his character turned on Jane at multiple levels.

I watched the latest season available on Netflix and said, out loud, to my empty living room, "You mean nothing to me, Paul Hollywood."

Sometimes, this show is too sad for me.

This show made my gorge rise. So. Fucking. Privileged.

Ugh. I just hope this ends him spoken to on late night programs like he has a reasonable but "alternative" point of view.

One ayahuasca-influenced evening in Oaxaca, I sang the entire lyrics of "Brandy, You're a Fine Girl" to a bar of mystified Mexicans. To my recollection, I had only heard that song once before that moment (though many times since) but I nailed it.

I'm sure this was filmed before the rock of Uber's corporate culture was kicked over, exposing all the slime underneath. I'd love to see a future episode take that on.

I'm good with the story so far, but I'm reserving judgment on the progression. The momentum seemed to drag a bit but that could be a part of the housekeeping around a new arc.

I thought Gina Rodriguez would have been great as the female lead in "La La Land." All those "Wah, I'm a beautiful redheaded actress who has to compete with other beautiful redheaded actresses" would have been a whole nother level if we got to see the slop I'm sure Rodriguez has waded through in Hollywood before

Bizarre, but pretty. Had to accept each scene as a vignette, unconnected to anything else. If you don't expect coherency, it's pretty good.

I'm really looking forward to this. Emily Dickinson seemed such a lonely, longing figure who had awareness of the boundaries her society put on her and how kinda dumb but still insurmountable they were for someone like her. It would take a very thoughtful approach to come close to showing this.

The relationship between Martindale and Langella's characters has been one of the best things of recent seasons. I've enjoyed thinking of the interactions of historic mindset of someone's Langella's and Martindale's actual age as a Russian in the 1980s. He would have been old enough to remember the Russian revolution

This is what this administration's tactics have come to: you bury the news by going on CNN.

That is very optimistic. I worry people are just baseline dumb. I envy your mental resiliency.

That is very optimistic. I worry people are just baseline dumb. I envy your mental resiliency.

The sad thing is that I could very generally explain to flat earther off the top of my head (i. e. I have literally circumnavigated the globe) why they are wrong, but it would take a good 20 to 40 seconds of Googling to come up with *Googles* Magellan's name.

That's true, but she spent much more of her time on air thinking about, pining for and working to rescue her husband than doing actual boss things like planning or leading. Her primary motivation was related to her external relationship. I'd love to see more about who she is outside of this next season. Jean Smart can