Blue brain

I worked my first job at the Atlanta Journal Constitution and they had a really nice, open bar party but it wasn't in the office. Reporters drink and smoke a lot in general, so it could get a little wild. This was the early 2000's though, so before Snapchat and the death of journalism.

I finally finished "Just Mercy" by Bryan Stevenson. It's a fantastic and moving read about racism and the death penalty and the justice system, but I'd have to put it down every few weeks just because it hurts the heart.

You're forgiven. Those guys create more smacked out of their gourdes than I do sitting at a desk all week.

Bodega Boys FTW

I may have done a little squeal of joy when I saw Trent.

This is the limit of my patriotism. I will not get on this site, marry and have a child with someone on it just to hope my fact-based, inclusive philosophy will influence the next generation. I've wondered where I'd draw the line and here we are.

Yeah, I was thinking, surely there is a storyline that can pop up if guests aren't there which is basically the bandits pass out or end up quietly playing cards. Seems like a better ROI of time without all the unwitnessed mayhem that would need hours of repair for no reason.

Next season needs at least four episodes where Jane dresses glamorous 50's style. (Maybe a Leave It to Beaver fever dream as she struggles with life/work balance?) That off the shoulder dress was wonderful!

Ok, awkward to rampage?

Maeve definitely wins in the hot man hook-up category . . . William went from awkward to murderer in what, a week? Run, Delores!

We're looking at years of training with Valencia's dancing, right? It was so lovely.

Well . . . shit. She was awesome.

I'm concerned that my clue was "shoe" and I drew a wobbly but recognizable high heel shoe and it couldn't get it then all the examples it had been given to learn were more stereotypical dude shoes. How much am I going to have to play this to make the AI not sexist? . . . I might have to quit my job.

I'd forgotten about the words. Cool!

Good point.

Yes, but Hector thinks he's human. Seeing him tied up after being raped (from his perspective), I can't imaging the mental acrobatics he's goign through being dragged into a new world to be abused. The power dynamic was very pointed.

I'm guessing Delos HR is not a well-run department.

The sight of Hector tied up for sex in the background while the ladies were having their conversation is one of the few times I've been uncomfortable with nudity on this show. The rest of the time—even with the orgy— it mostly seemed like wallpaper to me.

I live in Atlanta and now have ample background for my fantasies where Greg and I run into each other at Ponce City Market and bond over its bougie pretentiousness while enjoying a King of Pops pop. (Shenanigans ensue.)

Man, Utah is beautiful. (Convoluted to get any whiskey, but beautiful.)