saiyan hobo

You sir should be on Star Wars Stars and Celebrities! What do they know? Do they know things? Let's find out!

That's not an excuse. Arya is an even younger child and has far more common sense than her vapid sister

Am I the only one who thinks that a lot of the shit that's happened to the Starks is directly because Sansa is a super annoying douche? If she had told the truth about the altercation between Joffrey and Arya who knows what might have happened. AND if she had kept her stupid mouth shut she and Arya would have

It's Always Sunny is Seinfeld 2.0

I can't tell if this is a joke or not. If it's not you're being kind of a dick

You should get Duchovny's X-Files money for this comment

Because more X-Files fans are tuning in to watch Mulder than Scully. That's really what you think?


That's exactly right. Using aliens shatters the generic verisimiltude of the series

Indy survives a nuclear explosion by hiding in a fridge. Shai La Beouf swings through the trees with monkeys. And aliens?! Really?

That is not a myth. I have never heard anyone say anything positive about this terrible film. And if I did i'd probably assume they had brain damage

No. Just no

Except that by travelling back in time the course of history was changed, and whatever timeline had previously existed was changed, so that future in which John Connor sends Kyle back from no longer exists

I don't get it, am I watching the same show as everyone else? Sleepy Hollow is atrocious! The first season was just about watchable and it got worse and worse as the second season went on. How this is getting a third season while so many other better shows get cancelled I will never understand.

This whole list should just be Daredevil

This means that very soon kids will be growing up in a world with no bubble wrap. I'm not sure that's a world in which I want to live

But your ad says no money down

Is this that same cave that Luke visited in Empire Strikes Back?

To Boba Fett Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar

I had completely forgotten about him. So that's two from old age vs thousands from sharp objects/blunt objects/fire/poison/frozen zombies