
Before I buy it I'm gonna need to see the Blueprince.

[sincere applause followed by sarcastic applause]

It will will turn into Mountain Dew and well vodka.

I understood that info as more of a warning.

Hey, there were only five words in that hat! You cheated!

Gonorrhea-Ridden Ralph Macchio?

Try to fight those Evil Urges.

His inability to count is no excuse for what he did!

No he just ate some asparagus.

"expect a brother/sister/sister’s husband threesome, a charred goat, and a controversial wedding-night scene"

Wait. You could still try to work in a Dawes joke or something.

Cheese wheels maybe.

An extra bit of charming skin

Biden calls that Tuesday.

And then take off from the podium on a jetpack

*Muslim space lizard

*wearing shorts and a t-shirt*

Worse than Hitler.

"His character is described as having “a very clear sense of right and wrong…"

Jesus. Did you like the movie, Rabin?