
Sorry, I think Bob's right. 1707-1800 was the "Kingdom of Great Britain" then adding Ireland in 1800 expands it to "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland" then when Ireland leaves in 1922 they inserted "Northern" before "Ireland".
Having said that, Northern Irish people I know make it a point to refer to

True but it means we don't have to update all the signs

Quite right Bob, excellent trivia!

Sorry Zack can I just be a dick and correct you on something:

Literally the only redeeming feature of Gambit is that is shows us Data in command for an extended period. His dressing down of Worf in Pt 2 is pretty epic

Quite honestly I wish Dax had regenerated earlier. Ezri is annoying (SPOILERS?) but at least she gets a bit more actual character development than Jadzia did and is played by a slightly more competent actor.

And yet in Data's place is an identical immortal android character also played by Brent Spiner! He really didn't think that one through

I wonder how many Enterprise bridge crew have been reassigned because they couldn't help making a snarky comment about Troi. Would explain why they had a different helmsman every week after Wesley left

I started typing then realised@avclub-0c3e626d1a287cdc48c77515c8dcc243:disqus had made the same point but better.

That would also make sense because if they were being strict about regulations etc then why wouldn't they just have got back behind friendly lines rather than taking on such a suicidal mission

If only it had been a two parter, would have spared us what came next

I need to rewatch it as the thing that occurs to me now is: "Nog is the only actual officer, why hasn't he assumed command and taken them back home?"

I remember Valiant making a big impression on me when it came out. I was about 11 years old and, as a regular viewer, felt smugly superior any time any Trek crew got in trouble because I knew what they *obviously* should do to get out of it and thought I'd make an awesome starship commander.
Valiant basically showed me

Star Wars isn't sci-fi. It's fantasy in a pulp sci-fi setting. Not to detract from it but there's literally no part of that story that you couldn't set in the Lord of the Rings universe etc

From one of those goofy 90s era CD-ROM packs (possibly star trek encyclopaedia, possibly the captain's chair) I remember the top speed of the enterprise-e being warp 9.95 which Frakes/Riker said was "about 5000 times the speed of light".

This one was on the Empire magazine podcast but I haven't been listening to Kermode and Mayo long enough to have heard one.

This comment is completely accurate

The pre-2000 BBFC was an interesting beast. I listened to an actually fascinating podcast a while ago interviewing a senior BBFC person about how they work and how they've changed since the 1990s. Well recommended

Just to reiterate for Zack: IGNORE K.THRACE'S COMMENT! SPOILERS