Black Dougal

Sorry I missed the reference. I don't watch that show because I'm not a fiftysomething gay guy. No offense.

Sorry I missed the reference. I don't watch that show because I'm not a fiftysomething gay guy. No offense.

I've said the same about Right Said Fred.

I've said the same about Right Said Fred.

Okay, I'll be that person defending their work. Devo's best known for "Whip It", but "Beautiful World", "Through Being Cool", "Jocko Homo", "Gates of Steel", "Girl U Want", even their covers of Satisfaction and Coal Mine still get a lot of play and are pretty well known by even the most rudimentary of

Okay, I'll be that person defending their work. Devo's best known for "Whip It", but "Beautiful World", "Through Being Cool", "Jocko Homo", "Gates of Steel", "Girl U Want", even their covers of Satisfaction and Coal Mine still get a lot of play and are pretty well known by even the most rudimentary of

Yeah, I've always said the first thing a fiercely political leftist anarcho-punk band-slash-collective needs is to hire a great PR firm.

Yeah, I've always said the first thing a fiercely political leftist anarcho-punk band-slash-collective needs is to hire a great PR firm.

And yet there's a billion good bands out there, so pardon me if I don't go out of my way to discover the deep tracks in Chumbawumba's discography. Plus I wouldn't want anyone I know to catch me owning a Chumbawumba CD. Am I missing out on greatness? I don't care. There's a billion other good bands, and all of them

And yet there's a billion good bands out there, so pardon me if I don't go out of my way to discover the deep tracks in Chumbawumba's discography. Plus I wouldn't want anyone I know to catch me owning a Chumbawumba CD. Am I missing out on greatness? I don't care. There's a billion other good bands, and all of them

Is this the one where The Brain is recording the frozen peas commercial?

Is this the one where The Brain is recording the frozen peas commercial?

My first thought was that Bill Willingham will always be known to me as my second favorite D&D artist, with only the demigod Erol Otus reigning o'er him.

My first thought was that Bill Willingham will always be known to me as my second favorite D&D artist, with only the demigod Erol Otus reigning o'er him.

I don't really think Northstar being "out" would be the turnoff this article claims. Even if there is still a lot of homophobia out there (I'd think less now than ever, especially with the younger generations) people are used to openly gay characters in entertainment, especially if it's an ensemble.

I don't really think Northstar being "out" would be the turnoff this article claims. Even if there is still a lot of homophobia out there (I'd think less now than ever, especially with the younger generations) people are used to openly gay characters in entertainment, especially if it's an ensemble.

Sharon Stone is great in it. But the divorce storyline takes up WAY too much of the movie and it's just not that interesting (or that original really, I mean it's all pretty obvious and familiar stuff.)

Sharon Stone is great in it. But the divorce storyline takes up WAY too much of the movie and it's just not that interesting (or that original really, I mean it's all pretty obvious and familiar stuff.)