
I was always creeped out by "Chocolate Drink". Obviously they didn't add milk… so is it chocolate water?

Someone has probably already talked about this, but what the hell is up with the hair and makeup on this show since last season? It used to be subdued and people looked normal… but now the women look like clowns and all the men have gotten major dye jobs.

Maybe I missed something, but I'm confused why people think Jesse ends up with a happy ending. He's totally screwed.

F on AV Club = 8.4 on IGN

As if the writing wasn't bad enough, the effects department isn't doing
them any favors. I realize Showtime doesn't have HBO money… but green screening has been done better on cable access. I don't need additional reasons to laugh at this show.

Batista's slow descent into talking like Elmer Fudd isn't fun anymore.

Batista's slow descent into talking like Elmer Fudd isn't fun anymore.

I'm really hoping this show doesn't go the way of 24 by having characters not ask simple questions that could save us from having something stupid happen later. If you've interrogated a known terrorist and you've gotten him to admit he had a suicide vest, wouldn't your next question be… where is it now?

I'm really hoping this show doesn't go the way of 24 by having characters not ask simple questions that could save us from having something stupid happen later. If you've interrogated a known terrorist and you've gotten him to admit he had a suicide vest, wouldn't your next question be… where is it now?

Pizza night!!!

Pizza night!!!

I once saw Sigourney Weaver doing an interview where she said that working with someone was a "delicious" experience. I've hated her ever since.

I once saw Sigourney Weaver doing an interview where she said that working with someone was a "delicious" experience. I've hated her ever since.

"Purple People Eater" works but is a little too on-the nose.

"Purple People Eater" works but is a little too on-the nose.

Of all the things that could've creeped me out this week… Marie calling a baby "delicious" was the winner.

Of all the things that could've creeped me out this week… Marie calling a baby "delicious" was the winner.

I think the message is supposed to be that all of these guys have some sort of talent that was sadly never developed further after drugs entered the picture (i.e. Jesse's art, Skinny Pete's music). Badger is the exception… he's just a lovable fucking moron.

I think the message is supposed to be that all of these guys have some sort of talent that was sadly never developed further after drugs entered the picture (i.e. Jesse's art, Skinny Pete's music). Badger is the exception… he's just a lovable fucking moron.

I can't stop thinking about how ridiculously overpriced red toilet paper must be. I guess it's worth it when you're trying to show off to clients.