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    My best friends in college studied abroad in Lancaster in '92-'93, and, as a result I've made several friends myself who studied there at the time.  Small world.

    'Watching a show about women who begin the series living off their parents’ largesse is particularly galling in an age when plenty of young adults are having to move back in with parents who also have no idea how they’re going to make ends meet after losing jobs or taking pay cuts'
    —-that, plus hanna's entitled

    'Watching a show about women who begin the series living off their parents’ largesse is particularly galling in an age when plenty of young adults are having to move back in with parents who also have no idea how they’re going to make ends meet after losing jobs or taking pay cuts'
    —-that, plus hanna's entitled

    man, i hate these characters, and i think the 'white' criticism misses the mark.  it's the privileged entitlement that is so offensive, and, sure, these particular snowflakes all happen to be white, but race isn't the issue.  the irksome quality is their preciousness

    Nursing a grudge from freshman year in college more than a decade later?  That interview is a perfect example of a  hit piece, and the writer seems like a bit of a self-important douche

    Though I don't comment much, I'm another person who first came to this site because of these reviews.  Just wanted to add to the thanks and express my appreciation of your work.  I'll miss these

    5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 1

    I liked Ted and Bad Eggs.  In fact, when I recently re-watched the series for the first time since they aired, these marked the point at which the show became the 'Buffy' that I remembered, as precursors of the quality that was to come. 

    I  think s5 is a little overrated, with the lack of sweeping arcs that the better parts of s2-3 have, but, man, it has some pretty incredible stand alone episodes

    He was terrific in PSHS's version of Pygmallion

    sad, she was at one point not an awful character.

    cho is the best thing about the show

    I'd like to here a case that ww1 wasn't 'wrong'.  It's generally considered the stupidest, most terrible, most unnecessary waste of human life in western history


    young people are awful, schmitty


    it's like a lot of good tv shows, except that it's awful

    i used to love simmons' work. he's as bad as reilly now. klostermann isn't my kind of thing. I'm surprised someone as respectable as gladwell would associate himself with them.