
Craig = Parks & Recreation's Snarf. Or Jar-Jar. Or Scrappy-Doo.

They should do what Marvel do and start producing little 'One-Shots' for Justified:

You're all mad; mad, I tells you. Look at him. Look at him and his fucking face. And God's elbows, his LAUGH.

Yep, that's everything I thought it would be, alright! Thanks for letting me know that - I'll keep my eyes on  screenings. My search goes on…

How can you get a copy of the 'Neighbors' pilot? I thought that only the trailer was online.

Really? Is it honestly good? I'd love for it to be, but that trailer looked insufferably pleased with itself.

Classic Lecter.

The father of a friend of mine has 'Smoke Gets In Your Eyes' played at his cremation.

She was / is amazing, but I'd also like to give a shout out to Elisabeth Moss, who did amazing work *just* avoiding collapsing in tears when Mrs Campbell started talking about "the child". All in the eyes.

“That’s Pete Stupples—he works at a zoo and has based his entire performance on David Brent, mannerisms and all.”

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand you just reminded me of Jane Wiedlin, Joan Jett and Clare Grogan.

Marion Ravenwood (Karen Allen) in Raider Of The Lost Ark
Mary Poppins (Julie Andrews) in Mary Poppins
Sarah Jane Smith (Elisabeth Sladen) in Doctor Who
Pretty Much Every Female Companion From Sarah Jane Smith To Ace In Doctor Who, now that I think about it
Anna-Frid and Agnetha from ABBA
Princess Leia in The Empire Strikes

Tap-dancing Kenny Cosgrove is my choice for the new Doctor when Matt Smith leaves.

Well now… I'm not gonna talk about Judy - in fact, we're not gonna talk about Judy AT ALL, we're gonna keep her outta it!

I imported the Blu-Ray from the Japanese Amazon site and it has been worth every penny.

That's what I thought as well, so it's not an issue for me personally, but lots of others seem to have found it to be one. I always think of that sort of thing as geek dick-swinging, designed to show off that THEY knew that place had been mentioned before because THEY know more about it than you do, so THERE…

Yeah, I didn't say she was useless. I don't think persuading the TARDIS to pick up The Doctor is that big an indicator of smarts though. There have been a few times when she's not been able to understand pretty simple concepts. Now, I know that's probably just so they can have a character explain them onscreen for

Maybe Jon Pertwee's Doctor pronounced Metebelis incorrectly, and Matt Smith's Doctor pronounced it the right way last night…

CLARA: Flirty-flirt sassy-chat! Eyebrow!