Lester Bangs

Yeah… I should have left that other level crap out. That's pretty embarrassing.

We may not ALL be the aforementioned hipsters… But most of us are.

I think lecherous creeps like that get a pass, if only because there's plenty of other lecherous misogynist dudes who feel the same way but are afraid to show it (and surprisingly, a lot of them read superhero comic books.) Plus while most sane women would be repulsed and offended by that kind of behavior there's

Walt is a nerd, but he seems like a pretty humorless one. I can't see him liking the Simpsons. Actually I can't really see him taking joy in anything, ever.

In Jim Carrey's defense, he's not that bright a guy. He sure makes funny noises though.

You guys are all wrong. It's a lot more realistic when someone has exactly four friends, and each one is from a different race and culture. They should all be attractive, of course, except for the token nerd.

I think my iPod is half-full of the Boogie Rock bands that inspired Spinal Tap. Pentagram's "Forever my Queen", Saxon's "Denim and Leather", "As the Moon Speaks" by Captain Beyond, anything and everything by Sir Lord Baltimore…

Yeah, I'll go ahead and commandeer this one with a link to their "Christmas With the Devil" interview/appearance on SNL in '84.

"Kings" is based on the Old Testament, and most Christians (in the U.S. at least) start their bible knowledge with the birth of Jesus. To them it might as well be Shakespeare.

I think Rhymefest and his homies need to watch a little film called "Crash."

I'd double down on OhNo's wager. I don't think the rap/hip hop community has much issue with Lesbians, lipstick or otherwise. They don't lump all homosexuals together and the prejudice ain't about the sinful lifestyle.

If you want to look at the sad reality, being explicitly homophobic will probably not cost a hip hop artist fans and will bring them both a ton of press and a some outlaw notoriety.

Are you seriously still laughing at OJ in the Naked Gun movies? Or were you just reaching for an example?

"Shia" is Hebrew for "Gift From God." And "La Boeuf" is French for "The Beef."

We need another Vietnam, to thin out their ranks a little.

I only drink Jagermeister, Zima and that Budweiser with Clamato you probably can't find outside East L.A. Wake me when they turn those into popcorn.

I kind of thought the point of the interaction was that the kid expected to get what he wanted, and since Walt is such a milquetoast (and so bad at confrontations, or any interpersonal dealings) he'd normally just cave. It looked like Walt was going to give in for a moment, after all.

As long as it's not Jimmy Smits. Please, don't bring in Jimmy Smits.

Well, yeah, actually I think that particular scene was to show that Walt is becoming a good teacher, or at least a stronger one. The former Walt would have just let the kid slide.

I will say that if they show Goth Landlady's slow descent into meth, and she eventually ends up looking like the Waffle House whore, then I will write personal letters of apology to everyone who works for this fine show.