It's actually a reboot of the fine "Contrabulous Fabtraption of Professor Horatio Hufnagel" franchise. Fox Searchlight are apparently betting on a winner here.
It's actually a reboot of the fine "Contrabulous Fabtraption of Professor Horatio Hufnagel" franchise. Fox Searchlight are apparently betting on a winner here.
Speaking of Kevin Costner's cock and balls - going by the picture above, this cereal doesn't so much resemble "little sweetened-corn arrowheads flecked with green sugary something" as it does the wizened junk of an ageing Hollywood fucksmack - scale 1:1.
"Squeaky Conan" was voiced by the one, the only Brent Spiner. Ah, Minnie Driver and her farting Brooke Shields…
Daffle - didn't the guy who was in the bathroom for the whole time get a 92?