dig doug

Apatow Apatow. APATOW!
This movie is directed by Paul Feig and written by Kristen Wiig, but you would be hard pressed to know that from reading the article and the comments. Can we please get over our hard-ons (of hate) for Judd Apatow and give credit where credit's due?

And he handed the ball to the ref! Thus completes his character arc.

I'd go see it
Croctopus 3D sounds awesome.

Upstairs apartment?
Cam and Mitchell are renting? How does one even get to the upstairs apartment?

See you in the new year, FNL
Really like the way this season has been developing, especially the build up over these last two episodes. The problem with a football show is ultimately, there's only a few way you can end a season: they don't make it to the championship, they lose the championship, they win the

Clear eyes, full hearts, Canceraids.

Not trolling, just sayin'
I'm kinda sick of this argument, especially as it pertains to language in movies (which is probably why I found This Film Is Not Yet Rated to be way too self satisfied and underwhelming.) Just about anybody who's media savvy can watch a movie and guess, with 99% accuracy, what the rating is.

Why was coach cooking bacon in his office?

"The movie felt like a feature length episode!"
This is a criticism I've often seen levied against the TNG movies (and half of the TOS movies) and it always confused me a little bit. I feel that argument needs a little more justification, especially with a show like TNG, that includes episodes like Best of Both

Too on the nose
"So while I would have hoped for an episode with a few more of the remarkable moments I've come to expect from the show, I trust they'll come later."