Bear with Disqus account

A bear might, in the fog of hibernation, forget a password, but, in a week-long fever-dream encounter the accursed thieving deer a bear had once trusted. Can forgiveness be bought with the whispered utterance of a code that unlocks a silenced voice? It can. Deer is forgiven, and a bear's tongue is freed.

It gave a bear wet eyes. This bear has seen bad things, sometimes done them, and knows the power of a hug. I am bear. I would hug Will. Not for crushing his lungs, either, but for saying there there, bear understands.

@avclub-e2e5a2b50da03a9ddf60898ebb20ebf4:disqus that song makes a bear sad, because Running Bear and White Dove drown in a river upon the innocent consummation of their forbidden love, and because of the unintentional proto-funk a bear may perceive in the racist pseudo Native American nonsense chanting that forms the

I am bear, so most music leaves me cold, but I would imagine that if Neil Young and Paul McCartney formed a band together, it would have to be called Buffalo Wings-field. Again, I am only bear, so take with grain of salt.

@avclub-c404a5adbf90e09631678b13b05d9d7a:disqus , I cannot go into particulars, but I was given to understand that deer do not like honey, and were, therefore, an excellent choice to secure the hibernation-term storage of same. Where is honey now? WHERE IS HONEY NOW?

Nothing wrong with killing deer. I know. I am bear. They think they are cute with fluffy tails and literal doe eyes? Let me tell you, walking shitting petri dishes of disease, deceit, and, no other word for it, deer.

This is me. I am bear. We fight?

Dog with a blog confuses and enrages me. Dog paws are, if anything, more clumsy than bear claws in effort to type out expressions of one's thoughts and feelings. I, as a bear, can assure you, this, my sole comment, has been more effort than it is worth. COME ON! DO SOME RESEARCH!