What makes Alexander Skarsgard's khakis so dirty?
What makes Alexander Skarsgard's khakis so dirty?
"Are we really back to the old "You can't criticize artwork unless you could make something better"?" No, Thants, I'm saying there's a reason why all the TV-watching talent-spotters who know talent when they see it, and hate to see it wasted aren't in the industry using their talent-spotting ability to guide the…
No, my comments are based on the notion that someone whose only television experience is the ability to turn one on may not be the best gauge of the talent required to act on TV, or get a show made for TV.
I got a talentless nobody like yourself to respond to me Col. Alphonse Dore Cliburn CBE…you might be onto something.
No John Sweden, I'm saying if you had any talent yourself, you'd be showing the actors you like how it's done, with the amazing body of work your talent provided you, instead of sitting and bitching on the sidelines about someone talented enough to get work in the television industry.
Agreed - nobody knows more about wasting one's talents than people who aren't in the industry where said performer's talents are allegedly being wasted.
It's racist because Media Action Network for Asian-Americans' Guy Aoki thinks all jokes about Asians dressing up as a sexy sailors and Asian penis size are about him.
Now imagine the beardo in the sexy Sailor Moon costume - your boner will thank you.
To be fair, working out their weird daddy issues on a TV show is a lot better than doing so in the AV Club for free…just saying.
What he said.
I'd hold out for a cro-nut, I hear they're delicious.
That once upon a time, he found Courtney Love attractive?
A hey-hey-hey…
Must of been from all that pudding in "Punch Drunk Love", no wonder you've avoided projects like that ever since.
Not rape-y enough, run 10% of that through "Blurred Lines".
It was Miss Cleo, $2.99 per minute.
It explodes onto the screen, and the back of the head of anyone sitting in front of Willard.
Luckily in 2688, humanity exists as a utopian society due to the inspiration of the music and wisdom of Bill S. Preston, Esq. and Ted "Theodore" Logan, collectively known as the Wyld Stallyns.
That's because Willard has a lot of stroke in Hollywood.
When asked to comment, Victoria Jackson immediately blamed Gormé's death on Obamacare.