
Model was great episode-wise, but Elevator Part 6 clearly deserved the directing nod. It had the amazing storm sequences, and created a sense of surrealism and chaotic intensity on a shoe-string budget, and the final breakup dinner sequence was absolutely phenomenal in every aspect.
It deserves the nod, and deserves to

I knew that, but I hate when people bitch on Cranston about how he shouldn't win because he's "already won a lot of times, give it to somebody else for a change"
He flat-out deserves it, no matter how many other great actors there are on TV, Cranston deserves it, and unless the McConaissence carries over another year,

I'm at a complete loss at what should win the best comedy award.
It's really between Louie and Veep, both of which I love dearly and would be excited to see win
Louie is better made, has more artistic and visual style, is better directed, and has some of the most truly emotional scenes of any show, comedy or drama,

Being a Breaking Bad fanboy is of much higher merit than being an Emmy voter, at least in a world when Hannibal gets zero nominations and Maslany gets snubbed

Given it's format, being an anthology, it should have been nominated as a drama series, which it is, just as AHS should have been, if it had been at all deserving of a single nomination

Even if True Detective was a mini-series (which it's not) and McConaughy and Harrelson weren't in the race, Hamm would not stand a chance in the slightest of beating Cranston- and he wouldn't deserve it. I know he gives a great, understated performance that most critics overlook, but honestly, Cranston was better in

This is the greatest comment of all time

I thought both were great, Season 6 was my second favorite season and, so far, 7 is my third; nevertheless, it deserves as many nominations as it can get

That case was the most abhorrent miscarriage of justice in quiet a long while

….and boobs

I blame Erik Adams for everything.. that asshole

He won three. He hasn't won in four years, and he absolutely deserves it this year. Hamm was great as always, McConaughey was phenomenal, but it's Cranston's Emmy

If any supporting actor from Veep deserves recognition, it's Matt Walsh (Mike). He was hilarious this season, and had more to do than Gary or Jonah.

Insanely good acting? Really? Robin Wright is the only one that gives an actual great performance, and all Spacey had to do in season 2 was be sly and charismatic and look occasionally flustered/threatening. Spacey is a decent actor and being a movie star/oscar winner his nominations are not at all surprising;

Shipka was only in like three episodes, and only had one (A Day's Work) that required any extra acting skills other than being an angsty teenager.
She's good, probably the best kid actor out there, but she didn't deserve a nomination this year

A good show?

"We were smoking nonstop. We got three bongs. The cat died."

Archer is a good name, but Imogen? Who the fuck thought of that?

Yeah, I know the AVC hates it, but the first season was actually pretty good, and it wasn't until the second season when it became a terribly plotted, terribly written mess.

I'd say below average, but then again, I've only watched half of the pilot and stopped watching in disgust