Big Sky

He beat Clubber

Givens did stop Loretta from pulling the trigger, and always tried to protect her. May have redeemed him a bit in Mags' eyes.

Shame about the timing of these write-ups
I was ten or eleven when this show was airing originally so I missed it entirely and am now catching it via Netflix streaming. Any one else?

My kids watch this show
and I'm surprised that it holds their attention. They're just shy of 2 so I can't imagine they follow the plot. It must be the brightly-coloured sets and wardrobe draw them in.
They also like the one with the baby named Charlie.
Myself, I prefer Phineas and Ferb.

You will be present for the fireworks
You are not to look up

whataworkout - I had feeling this was somehow all my fault.

Don't forget about 'Lucky'.

But if they liked the things we like, how would we look down on them?

I went as far as to point out that I'm in the 18-49 demographic and promise to purchase whatever was advertised from 10-11pm est if the show was renewed.

Sure, how hard can it be to remove a little at a time? I didn't realize that was brain tissue with which he was working. Silly me.

I haven't read the comics, but why would the doctor be upset over losing the sample if he was already infected and could have continued with his own tissue?

Falling back into old habits might mean falling to back to the old drink of choice. Tough to drink to drink top shelf as a civil servant. With a drinking problem.

"John Landgraf is reportedly a very good guy and a fan of the show, but the numbers are the numbers"
That may be true, but they fumbled the promotion of the show in a major way. I wasn't going to tune in after those spots that featured an actual terrier and none of the show's stars. It wasn't until I heard Shawn Ryan

A callback to the conjugal visits comment from earlier in the season. Nice.

Original Ending?
That type of ambiguity seemed more appropriate as the end of a series than a season, anyone think that wasn't the original ending?