
hoboy. you're gonna bring the full weight of the desperate "As Long As Jesse Survives!" Fan Club members out. People need someone to CLING TO when a show refuses to abide by contemporary moral narrative arcs! You can't just have things be shitty in the end, because that'd just be tragic! And who wants to watch a

Ugh… so many ppl not understanding the tragedy of that scene and what he was doing (freeing her from all legal guilt) bc they all just wanna cling to simple moral narratives in a show that delights in blowing such conventions up. So now the easy way to process this ep is: "walt's gone full YOLO EVIL/scarface/monster"

I'm sure someone's already mentioned this already, but it's a mexican restaurant because of the motif of mexican standoffs prevalent throughout this whole episode. Yes I understand the restaurant scene was with 4 people instead of 3, but they were all arranged in a way to convey the same sort of mutually assured

YES. THIS. ALWAYS THIS. Lay people NEVER understand that the #1 thing you should do IMMEDIATELY when you get or even SUSPECT you may be in ANY legal trouble is CALL A LAWYER. I can't tell you how many times I've told my friends this when they come to me with their "issues" and how they think they can just "ride it