Benjamin Jacob Grimm

There's another Poehler? Can he marry Will Arnett's sister so that we can believe in love again?

THREE pages of Sam Elliot? I think this might be the best Random Roles you've done, and Elliot was pretty much exactly what I'd hoped he be in this.

I was wondering if Will was going to ask him about that.

Masses? There were other people in the theater?

They need to go ahead and make some Discworld Witches movies so he can play Casanunda.

He's briefly in it on Krypton, and then Zod kills him.

messor alius?

No mention of seeing Death again? He's one of my favorite recurring players, and this was the first time we saw him in a while, and he got killed by Zod over the summer, so it was nice to see him recovered from that.

Gwildor or GTFO.

Are they sure it's not footage of physicians from the World Health Organization?

I think you used the 15 minutes about as well as you could; you actually managed to hit all the check boxes I hoped you would.

As long as he's still Jewish.

That would have been nice to know ahead of time. My DVR cut off after the cheerleading sketch, so I missed all the ones people are saying good things about.

The thing is, in real life, most judges of local talent shows would probably go for jug band sap over the best metal band in the world, so the part that seemed to ring true as a kid doesn't so much as an adult.

I think it was just there were a few accents on the show - it was primarily supporting characters - who had accents that were probably more rural than most of what I've been exposed to. There were also a few instances where something was just flat-out mumbled.

"Deafness Research UK says that about 87 percent of Britons have some
level of deafness, due most likely to exposure to loud noises."

I think that should include a Mel Gibson suicide bomb.

Tennant being on the American version of the show might get me to give it a chance, but I don't think Broadchurch is a show that will work in 22-episode seasons. I guess the first 5 or 6 could be pre-murder, but still.

There were times the accents got borderline undecipherable for me, and I've been watching British tv pretty much since infancy.

I think the one I found scariest was the one with Jacob's cabin, which I think was later. But I haven't seen it since it aired.