Benjamin Jacob Grimm

Meryl Streep can actually act?

I didn't realize Sam Rockwell was in this. What was the last terrible movie he was in?

Only one?

So it's Larry Thomas?

Everything is a myth by secular militant forces. We keep pretty busy.

She promised me she'd replace the drywall in my kitchen and she's procrastinated on it three times already. Lazy slacker…

But does that tableside guac foreshadow that Walter White will be mashed into a fine paste and scooped up with corn chips?

The beginning of the Goldbergs had me basically diving for the remote to make the bad show go away.

I was half-wondering if they'd send him into hiding, only for him to take as his cover name Luke Cage because he's a big Nic Cage fan.

I think one of my favorites of that type is Sylvester Stallone in Bananas.

Yeah, if I was guessing which one he'd get, that would probably be it.

I thought that was The Man Who Wasn't There?

It wasn't terrible or anything, it just wasn't nearly as good as the first one, and it felt really low-stakes.

The review makes it sound exactly as simultaneously bland and contrived as I expected after I heard the premise and saw it was airing on CBS. I suspect every week will struggle mightily to ensure that they maintain the status quo.

You never have to, and it's never worth it. I'd even recommend staying away from networks his shows are on.

He was probably the best-cast of the Dortmunder gang in the Hot Rock, and it was the only Dortmunder adaptation that made for a decent movie. That's one of my favorite novel series and - with the exception of The Hot Rock - it's been pretty consistently mistreated by Hollywood.

I haven't heard anything about this show, but apparently it's getting cancelled or something? Is it any good? I know the AV Club certainly hasn't covered it.

I've liked NTSF more than Childrens both this season and last.

I think Hardy has a bit of a martyr complex, to be honest, and has probably been on his own version of a self-destruct kick ever since his family and career simultaneously imploded. I think taking the blame fed into both of those.

Yeah, like I'm following a blind Youtube link after reading about dog balls. It's probably that couple arrested at Fort Bragg.