It's a pity Tony Randall's dead.
It's a pity Tony Randall's dead.
I think R2-D2 will be playing the first droid jedi in the next one. There's a whole droid civil rights movement subplot.
As long as there are guards posted with orders to shoot Orkurtzelof on site, we're probably safe.
One of the reasons a lot of us were so upset about Firefly getting cancelled at the time is that it probably had the best first season of any of Whedon's shows, and all of his shows got much, much better. If Firefly had improved as much as Buffy or Angel did from season 1 to season 2, it might have been the best thing…
Am I the only one who assumed this as just a terrible movie that just got greenlit until I read the article?
You know, Jon Cryer still has more Emmys than Bob Newhart. Finally getting Newhart an emmy for work that doesn't even approach his earlier stuff doesn't suddenly make the Emmys retroactively not a terrible, terrible award.
Mel Gibson is about to spend all of his Passion money. Unfortunately for him, though, the fine isn't any lower if they're Jewish.
You weren't in it - it was the original "darkest timeline" episode with the die rolls.
Crisis on Infinite Worfs
Then I've been doing it right.
Unfortunately, Maxie Zeus wasn't created until 1979, or we'd even have a perfect part for him.
And every cake can be erotic if you try hard enough.
Jordo, it's hard to know without knowing what you like. It's a lot more like Curb Your Enthusiasm or the original office than it is like Arrested Development. It's a very, very different show than AD.
Apparently Katie Holmes didn't catch it, but that's not really conclusive in and of itself.
Anytime a scientologist does something inexplicable and/or stupid, it's probably pretty safe to say it's a scientology thing.
I think she was trying to collect her "streaming tv show" thetan badge, and now that she has it there's no reason to be on the show. Or it could be Tom Cruise has his next round of wife interviews coming up and they want someone who's not going to flee this time.
I've checked it out, and it's cringe humor dialed up to about 14. Arrested Development is a much better show.
That's known as "The Curse of the Island of Dr. Moreau"
I thought it was kind of Mr. Show's "And Now for Something Completely Different" - a lot of it was stuff that had been done before, and better, on the show. But a few of the new bits - Mandy Patinkin, and the International Gay Conspiracy, for example - I remember thinking they were funny.