And at all other times.
And at all other times.
I think that's the last season I bought as well. I could see getting later seasons if they were cheap enough, but I"d probably only listen to commentaries and never actually watch the episodes.
I'd say season 8 had more greats than that (You Only Move Twice, Homer's Phobia, Homer's Enemy, and Supercalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)Cious) at the very least, and I'd probably throw Treehouse of Horror VII, Itchy and Scratchy and Poochie, and a few others as well.
I'd say the last episode of the Golden Age is either "The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson" or - if I'm feeling generous - "The Cartridge Family." The latter isn't exactly great, but it's followed by an absolute wasteland for a while, for the first time in the series's history.
I think they usually aim for "mildly amusing though overly familiar" now.
[Category of people][performs action] like this, [makes gesture] while [different category of people][performs action] like this! [makes different gesture]
I loved their first couple albums (and liked Rabbit Habits), but I'm not sure I've listened to Life Fantastic more than a couple of times. They've lost what made me like them to begin with.
One of the reasons I'll never believe in Bush or Cheney knowing about it is that the whole administrative reaction (which I'll call "panicked squirrel") was that of people caught totally off guard. He wouldn't have been in a classroom in Florida reading "My Pet Goat;" he would have been in the White House with a…
He started to turn more conservative in the late 90s, around when he had kids (or at least, whenever he started talking about them). He's one of those comedians for whom having kids proved absolutely toxic for his comedy, and then 9/11 happened and managed to make him that much worse.
Is Charlie Hunnam's American accent on Sons of Anarchy as bad as it was in Pacific Rim?
I think the return of the cassette may mean that we're finally approaching peak hipster. After that, there's only 8-Tracks or acetate records.
I saw this when it first came out on DVD and bought it soon after; it's probably my favorite weird musical. It makes for a kind of perfect double bill with Forbidden Zone, which is probably the movie it most closely resembles in a lot of ways.
It was in development with Tom Hanks attached for years.
I remember it probably had the dumbest script I've seen in a movie since the original Transformers.
I think some stars just have this odd magnetism where everything they do seems inherently eroticized, and when compiling a list of such actors, one would be remiss, if not actively neglectful, in not including at or near the top one of the stars of this video. Yes, Cookie Monster is that damn sexy.
Life is precious, and god, and the bible.
After about the middle of the third season the writers didn't have any idea what to do with him anymore. If James Callis's performance wasn't as good as it was, it would have become obvious that the character was actively dragging the show down towards the end. They should have had him die on New Caprica…
There's something depressing about having people rag on a guy for being old who's more than a dozen years younger than you.
Those Lone Ranger sets are going to be really, really cheap before long.
You're only saying that because non-white fleshlights are the favored mind-control method of the lizard people.