There's something weirdly soft and muted about the movie that isn't really present in anything else I've seen them do.
There's something weirdly soft and muted about the movie that isn't really present in anything else I've seen them do.
I'm okay with pratfalling Cera as Dutch, as long as there's a running gag that he keeps landing on cats.
Whew. I was worried for a minute someone had told Dan Aykroyd about kickstarter. That would be a disaster.
Nope. I thought it was really extraordinarily good.
The aliens mulched probably in excess of 99.9% of the town in pursuit of that goal, so I don't think they're credible heroes. As another review pointed out, when Gary asks how many people they killed in other towns, that should be a moment of true horror once you really think about it, if they've killed people there…
If it would have been possible for me to go in this completely cold, I would have, without hesitation - I treat a few writers like that, and it helps preserve the surprise.
Any news on Ernest Hemingway's Star Trek fan fiction?
Isn't "A complete and total pile of shit" CBS's slogan now?
Look at Downey's credits in the decade prior to Iron Man and try and convince anyone he was an A-lister before it.
No it isn't.
Yeah, but most of us stopped watching it at least a couple of years ago.
That scoop from a site I've never heard of sounds extremely credible. Yup, no doubt whatsoever it's a real scoop.
It's actually Baal, devourer of souls, only instead it eats talent, and also the cast of Two-and-a-Half Men.
How is being on Mike and Molly artistically distinct from not being in anything?
If this kid combines the inherent likability of both of his parents, he's going to have quite the career.
It's not that far from it.
I'm not sure that's any different than my house now, but then again my wife does watch that show a lot…
How can you truly replace Fred Armisen? I've never seen anyone ever be simultaneously that unfunny and that smug about their own material. It can't be done!
Do you know what would have roughly the same effect while taking a lot less effort? Lighting a giant pile of money on fire while running around and kneecapping random people with an aluminum bat.
Based on Pacific Rim, he's completely incapable of doing a remotely convincing American accent. He was Dick van Dyke in Mary Poppins, only in reverse.