Benjamin Jacob Grimm

Are they pre-cancelling his shows now?

I think she's playing that John Lennon clone they're working on.

I'm fairly certain that Brendanawicz never actually left the show, he just either literally faded into the background or he's so boring no one can remember that he's actually had dialogue in every episode to date.

I'm assuming he followed this up by cackling maniacally while lightning flashed in the background.

That could buy Courtney Love at least half-a-day's worth of heroin.

Patton Oswalt should be dragged out in the street and murdered. I'm more in the first camp.

I know there are a lot of people on the AV Club who like Patton Oswalt, while there are others that think that

Does that mean we get 1974 week next year? How much of the staff was even alive then?

Next few shows:

It comes with an ivory collar and three tiger toys. I wonder if the tiger toys are also made of ivory?

Marvel's already planning to promote the movie by handing loaded, chambered firearms to raccoons all across America in advance of the film.

Nothing would explain that haircut.

Degenerative mental condition or severe head injury?

I think this is a sinister plot to get people to join Google+ to write reviews of the Tardis.

So it's Carrot Top then? Because we're terrible people.

It can be about Robin and Killer Croc sailing down the Mississippi on a raft.

Some of his post-it notes were extremely emotional and engaged.

This only works if there's a new version of the Orlando Bloom actobot out that is actually capable of expressing emotion. The 3.2 version from Kingdom of Heaven was just a redressed James Buchanan from Disney's Hall of Presidents. 

I like this idea more than the Orlando Bloom one.

I always get this mixed up with Little Nikita, though I'm not sure if I've seen all of either of them.