
Good God, she looks like Kristen Schaal.

Poor health management inherently has consequences. It's not discrimination if people can't stand the smell of a smoker or dislike the coloration of his teeth. A smoker accepts the consequences, both health-wise and the social stigma it brings, when they engage in the habit. It is nobody's fault but their own.

Whoever said you needed washboard abs? I think you're projecting a bit here.

That's called being an asshole, and sadly, no amount of social ballyhooing is going to stop assholes from being assholes.

If Dunham is the standard, I think you're setting the bar way too low (high?).

If you're fine with it, cool. That just means that you have to accept the consequences that come along with it.

If someone wants to be fat, that's their prerogative. If they demand people cater to their poor health decisions and cry "discrimination," well, that's where the problem lies. If you're not happy with the consequences of being fat (health, mobility, you name it), then the responsibility is on you to make the change.

Unless you have Prader-Willi, it is easily controllable. Just lower your intake of food, even if you have to start small.

"Accepting" it, rationalizing it away, is what lead to me being so fat in the first place. Accountability and responsibility burned it off.

Probably. I get that being fat is no fun - been there, done that. I just can't get behind this train of thought that tries to turn it into some point of pride or rallying cry.

Are we seriously going for the "Fat Acceptance" angle now? Really?

So much for the end of the age of cancellations, eh?

Jay from Red Letter Media just made a video about it, actually. He basically made the same points.

Leave him alone, Japan. He's cultivating mass!

The Childrens are the futureā€¦ the far off future of 2015.

Are you guys citing Anita Sarkeesian now? Really?

Mott Romnoy 2012: Tiny face, tinier government.

Episode pre-DMX: A-
Episode After: A++++++++++++++++++

Every time I hear people talking about Let It Go, I always hope they're talking about the Dragonette song.

My biggest problem with the AS/Toonami airing of Space Dandy is that it doesn't include the Japanese intro/outro sequence.