Lady Picture Show

The Internet has proven me wrong yet again

The Internet has proven me wrong yet again

I vaguely recall reading this in "Planet Simpson" which is an academic treatise on the show (oh, I've wasted my life)

I vaguely recall reading this in "Planet Simpson" which is an academic treatise on the show (oh, I've wasted my life)

Also, I am fairly sure this episode is the origin of the term "beer goggles" so that alone makes it a classic. "See the world through the eyes of a drunk!"

Also, I am fairly sure this episode is the origin of the term "beer goggles" so that alone makes it a classic. "See the world through the eyes of a drunk!"

"Another placemat, sir?"

"Another placemat, sir?"

I have a distinct memory of watching this one when it originally aired because of this exchange:

I have a distinct memory of watching this one when it originally aired because of this exchange:

Sometimes I think you WANT to fail.

Sometimes I think you WANT to fail.

Loved Harry Crane possibly signing Styx (aka Tradewinds) in a pot-and-slider binge.

My brother and I had this episode and "The PTA Disbands" recorded on a VHS tape that we literally watched hundreds of times. Probably the funniest hour of television I've ever had in my possession. I laugh to the point of incapacity every time I hear "MY INSULIN!"

I don't watch this, but absorb enough information about it from friends and from lady co-workers (it's astonishingly popular, at least in Canada; there are shitloads of Bachelor viewing parties in my social sphere every Monday) to enjoy this tumblr immensely: http://facesofrejectedbache…

Ha, I did this too! He liked it though. (Or said he did.)

When I was in high school, I agreed to go on a double date to see "The Waterboy" with a boy I didn't really like. The movie wasn't really my cup of tea — I was a snot about movie nerddom even then — and I agreed to go on the date due to some wheedling from a friend, in addition to the fact that I had turned some other

We could send Bob Saget to meet Charlemagne!

I just finished reading this book yesterday. I actually thought it was awful; the "Are the critics taking crazy pills?" of the year. And I read a lot of pretentious-ass literary fiction and love it. But the writing in Swamplandia crossed from artful to purple about halfway through the book. Russell can turn a phrase

Radiohead, "Gagging Order"
Frightened Rabbit, "Poke"
Tom Waits, "Fish and Bird", "Georgia Lee"
Joanna Newsom, "Clam, Crab, Cockle, Cowrie"