Magma Suit

*high fives Penguin*

*high fives W!*

Is the show trying to generate sympathy for Lane now? Has he gone from heel to face?

Oh, that's not true. Duck's never raped anyone, therefore we like him better than Dr. Rape. Dr. Rape is probably the most loathsome character on the show.

Handjobs etc.
If you can say "handjobs" on cable, can you also say "blowjobs"?

Pete, Paul, and Hollis team up and start their own rogue integrated ad agency!

Yo, Sting's solo career is the shit!
I will fight anyone who says otherwise!

I blame Tucker Max for everything

Morrissey should be on here
Didn't "Angel, Angel We Go Down Together" actually stop a girl from killing herself? It would be kind of funny for him to be on both lists.

I once saw someone being fucked gently with a chainsaw
It wasn't as fun as you might think.

Aw, c'mon- Jason Alexander's pretty funny.

Adam Baldwin is the best Baldwin even though he's not really a Baldwin.

It goes

I just assumed he was hungover.

Duck kills JFK.


I had always thought the German accent/Die Hard jokes in the trailers were about Alan Rickman, which didn't make a lot of sense.

It's kind of ironic that there's even an option to make a black avatar on this.

I had a dream last night that John C. Reilly died.

Don't hate on the Godzilla Genealogy Bop! There's a a Ron Perlman reference in there! A pre-Hellboy Ron Perlman reference at that!