kept my attention for the 30 minutes which for me is a good thing,
I totally felt for lisa though, I want to write a good book in a world where snooki and a kardash can write one but just can't. I'm a classic procrastinator. :(
kept my attention for the 30 minutes which for me is a good thing,
I totally felt for lisa though, I want to write a good book in a world where snooki and a kardash can write one but just can't. I'm a classic procrastinator. :(
they need to get the writers to take a field trip to ACTUAL offices of various companies and talk to the workers about office life so they can get story ideas. I wouldn't be surprised if there was an episode where andy buys an office pet as a morale boost for the workers. boring.
Can I agree slightly to both sides? I did feel that it was rushed at times at the origin of ramona's ex's and did feel bored after ramona and scott beat up that girl ex, but then my boredness was eventually killed when they fight those twins WITH MUSIC! love that film, will always love it.
I have seen this been discussed numerous times in conversation and on youtube casually, but you sir have never put it more eloquently. I agree with what you say, I discovered "twin peaks" on bravo back when they would put foreign classic films like "belle du jour" and "bedazzled (1966)" in the afternoon. And I felll…
whatevs to this and "mirror mirror" what's next movies about mermaids, unicorns, and a remake of ladyhawke?
how many accents did Julia Roberts use in those 2:31?
I love blink, scared me so much! Also "midnight" was pretty scary too or "the girl in the fireplace" and the vashta nerada from "the silent library?"