
A little late to this, but just jumping in to say that it felt a bit unrealistic that Mickey had so many drugs stashed everywhere. I get that every addict is different, and they did briefly acknowledge the temptation aspect of it, but based on personal experience, temptation wouldn't even factor into it - that shit

I'm actually worried something will happen to Liam. Frank's still carting him around right? And I couldn't make it out clearly because it was dark, but wasn't he chained up to the house with Frank and those other kids? I thought the camera lingered just a little too long on the kids for there not to be any

At this point, I really feel like putting Samantha or William in that grave is too obvious. Anybody else get the feeling they might be setting up Felicity's mom to be in that grave?

Hey CW! I have an idea. How about you push your post-10 PM schedule back one hour so you can fit in all of your fantastic shows? Sure, some 4 AM infomercials may get axed, but I have a feeling no one will miss them. It could go like this:

As the female half of a recapper couple, I concur. My husband and I were
perplexed by this sketch, and left us thinking, "Wait, this is a bad
thing?!" Recapping, for us, is essential to communicating our needs and
making sure we both have an even better experience in the future. This
sketch made it seem as though

Also, Jo did acknowledge her family's crazy succession plan. She told Alaric she was terrified of her family finding out because then they will try to take her kids and make them merge in order to strip Kai of his power. I think having Kai in the mix removes any possibility that her family will leave her future kids

Not to discount your dread of college, but I think you should save it for a time more useful…like life after graduation. I may be 5 years out of college, but you're still technically part of my generation, and, well, haven't you heard? We're not doing so well. Gotta love un- and under-employment interspersed with

Not to discount your dread of college, but I think you should save it for a time more useful…like life after graduation. I may be 5 years out of college, but you're still technically part of my generation, and, well, haven't you heard? We're not doing so well. Gotta love un- and under-employment interspersed with