
Funeral is the best and The Surbubs is very very good! I don't like neon bible that much. Maybe one or two songs.

I can only listen to best coast on "days" i feel like listening. I like it but i don't think it's better than vivian girls.

I saw it and it was pretty good. You don't see much of that artsy avant gard scene of the 70s

It ain't this one

Yes Diabeetus we have seen Annie hall :)

HAHA! nice Hugh Grant stab!

Le Livre Noir du Capitalisme that's the album by Sylvain Chauveau. I recommend it highly. He is much closer to Richter/Arnalds then the rest. The rest is more focused on the whole ambient aspect. He clocks the melodic pianio pieces under 3/4 minutes and stays pretty abstract about it.

I always thought that Stars of the Lid were an indie band! Those damn names! I will look that one up :)

Yes I have and I don't think Mr Arnalds and Richter are on par. I have listened to "and they have escaped the weight of the darkness" and it is too contrived. It can work exceptionally as background music but other then that. All his songs seem like they are too long. I think Eluvium is on par with Richter.

For start, Memoryhouse by Max Richter. Or if you are seeking another artist I would recommend Philip Glass - metamorphoses.

why not?
I do not agree with this review. You are suggesting that constraint and musical restriction is not exciting enough for a post classical composer. It's exactly the opposite. It got a thick dense whole about it and it revolves around a rondo of themes. Making it unusually emotional for such spare music

what kind of album would it be…
i hope they do a throwback album… instead of experimenting with the maturing of their former style.

it's a catch 22 man! Don't you see? they can't… because they are not wanted… it's kind of mind boggling that you ask yourself that simple question while living in the united states. A moment of reflection would suffice sometimes

the exaggeration of music
this rating is way too high! I don't see why actually! I have listenend to it and it was not special or anything. I think it was quite 'normal".These were average songs sometimes catchy or interesting sometimes not. I do like the titles though

You know what? Let him have it!