
I cant tell if you are being serious, but that's a "midi-ring." They're incredibly trendy, and impractical. I used to work at a vintage jewelry store and whenever the rings were too small, I'd tell people to wear them as midi-rings. It worked more than you would think.

When Otto Frank typed up her diary, according to a prof in undergrad, he also removed entries depicting the Franks marriage as less than ideal. I don't have a specific article citing this but the wikipedia page mentions editing out the bits that were "too personal."

If a male colleague stopped me on my way out of a successful meeting to tell me I "look… uh… very nice," I assure you, I would not respond the way the writers had Maldonado respond. (Also, her suddenly bashful smile did not ring true at all.)

This!! I love that Sherlock and Joan had an adult conversation about it, versus it becoming a stupid misunderstanding subplot.

My main issue wasn't necessarily that Datak wasn't a rich, violent crook, but rather that the mayor and lawkeeper displayed less than zero people/social skills. If you want something from someone, be it information or a skill, you do have to play their game a bit.

Actually, I think with locality adjustment it would be $92k.  But agree with the basic point, phodreaw!

I feel like the show wants the viewers to love Morgan as much as they do, and I'm just not feeling it.  At all.  From the comments here, I might be in the minority.