She was smart and independent. She left him because her feelings for him were getting too strong.
She was smart and independent. She left him because her feelings for him were getting too strong.
10 can be both infinitely happy and infinitely sad all at the same time. He had a raw emotional honesty that constantly made me empathise with him, particularly with his centuries of emotional depth.
Season 2 is pretty good and so is the end of Season 1. It's just that early Season 1 overplayed its 'look, we're sexy' card.
I maintain that Gwen wasn't. Perhaps because she came across Jack rather than vice-versa.
*She* was fucking *him*. Orally. And consensually.
At least the upper floors of Whoniverse buildings are now accessible to you.
Buffy S6 is like Jesse Pinkman in Breaking Bad S4 part 1: artistically devastated. Torchwood S1's sexuality is like an Alien-Encounterers-Anonymous group that uses sex as its alternative stimulant.
11 did burst out of Rory's stripper cake that one time…
'I'm going to rage my way to oblivion' - more or less the last words of a Torchwood character who would have met the Doctor in Aliens of London if he'd not been hung over.
Lousy indeed, but that's life. Shit happens, including the best companion of the last 12 years getting completely and permanently mind-fucked entirely because of how awesome she was.
I saw CT doing her 'am I bovvered' shtick on Red Nose Day last week and I sighed, 'Oh, Catherine, why aren't you still doing Doctor Who instead of this sh*t?'
It took them a lot of effort to kill M6; he survived being shot and burnt. M7 will probably also be 'indestructible, everyone knows that.'
Hopefully she'll last long enough for Chris Chibnall to take over writing for her.
There's so much beauty in the world.
Trying to rewatch both BCS and BB before BCS Season 3 comes out next month. Saw this episode yesterday and BB's One Minute today. Reminded me that Jimmy's protests to Cliff that 'You said I was in charge of client outreach' echo Walt's future protests to Gus that 'You said I was in charge of the lab' when trying to…
Sorry I'm so late with this comment: I broke a mirror. Anyway, 3:08 symbolises 308 Negra Arroyo Lane, implying Walt's responsibility, by getting involved with the drug trade, for Hank being the Cousins' target.
The mirror is not on the wall, it's above you: the entrance to the Glass Ceiling Universe.
She's way more interesting. I wish she were the protagonist, we spend more time with her, he randomly shows up, teaches her his alien kung fu or whatever it is, and then gets hit by the car while messing up his martial arts move.