Garbage spelling, dude. You badly misspelled the most important word in your comment; I had to infer its meaning by context.
Garbage spelling, dude. You badly misspelled the most important word in your comment; I had to infer its meaning by context.
Personally I find that Colter gives his character depth just by speaking. Jones on the other hand sounds like he's auditioning for the role of a bored high school student.
Politicians are the reverse of TV drug dealing chemists: the more hair they have, the more evil they are.
If I should return to your screen, think better of me, Viewer.
You really don't have to use his name to describe the second guy, when the second guy's actual name is a synonym for Cock.
After half an hour I was bored enough to come up with nicknames for all the characters, which I would think when I saw them instead of their actual names: Random Surfer Dude, Corporate Douche, Secret Douche, Twitchy Chick, and Eagle Dead.
It's all part of his 'the law is sacred' shtick. He believes anything that even slightly bends the law is sacrilegious, so he attaches enormous importance to his role in defeating any instance of such bending.
In my opinion his enjoyment becomes his primary motivation in the hardware store at the end of Over, before 'stay out of my territory'.
As you may have realised since 2010, writing legibly and touching the correct buttons on a keyboard are a lot harder than ringing a bell.
You may claim to care not now, but by the end of the article you'll try to take the tweets from him.
17-year-old beer commercial reference.
When you're talking about a prophecy, you don't need to write 'that said'. 'A prophecy that Bob Saget' would have sufficed. I spent 10 seconds looking for where you'd mentioned the 'said Bob Saget' before in the article.
The premise of Lost is not the same as the premise of Life on Mars. Life on Mars was always either a coma fantasy or purgatory. Lost was plane crash survivors on an island, until half of the last season which flashed forward to decades later, after their deaths; that bit was purgatory. As for making it only halfway…
Chidi accomplished nothing altruistic in his life. How many people can say that? There's no evidence that Tahani ever cared about other people during her life. Again, that's a rare level of self-centredness.
The Wish Realm is not an alternate timeline; it's a construct. They could perhaps have made that clearer.
In her universe if you're selfish you get put in the Bad Place. In the His Dark Materials universe you go to a Bad Place automatically and then you get guided to a Good Place (natural part-of-the-universe oblivion) if you tell the guardians true stories about your joys in life.
'Belong' is a subjective term, it's true, but what I mean is that they are as self-serving as Eleanor is.
Shoving someone off a cliff because they're holding a gun to your kid's head and you don't know they can't pull the trigger (metaphorically as well as literally) is not as evil as stealing someone else's baby from an incubator so you can give them a lifelong crippling infection as a means of vaccinating your own baby.…
In 2060, when gay marriage is as accepted as interracial marriage, social conservatives will be arguing over the morality of polygamy, and by 2100 they'll have to find something else.
Jianyu's backstory was specifically calculated by Michael to cause Jason as much misery as possible - you're as stupid as a guy who meditated himself into a coma and hasn't learnt anything since age 7. So yeah, no real Jianyu.