
Amusing thought. He's teetotal though, so unless it was like in that American Dad episode…

Does everyone outside of the UK spell Marjorie the Westeros way?

Brattleboro is the place where Larry Underwood almost met Randall Flagg alone at night. If anywhere is going to trip Jonah up it's a place that's been visited by a friend of Satan.

Possibly based on the very real scenario in last year's UK general election in which a voter's only mark on the ballot paper was to draw an elaborate penis and testicles in the box of the Conservative candidate. Because it was neatly inside the box, it was adjudged a vote for that candidate.

There is of course the argument that requiring a majority of voters in each state/congressional district in order to receive an electoral vote shields the presidency against insane occupants.

Vote for X, because of the wonderful things he/she does!

Next up on US elections which require suspension of disbelief and are compared to British politics: November 2016, Tony Blair vs Janice Atkinson.

People should vote at 16, fuck at 17, and drive at 18. We should trust people with their minds before we trust them with their genitals, and we should trust them with their genitals before we trust them with high-speed large metal boxes.

Don't worry, in a year's time 52% of your voters will make an even less widely predicted decision and the Prime Minister will resign because of it.

In Britain, we basically make the House majority leader president (prime minister). Smarter system, equally stupid method.

She may have said that she would never be Veep again, but she might if she couldn't be president.

And in your country, unlike in mine where national leaders assume that position based on, effectively, leading the party which wins the House, proportional representation actually makes complete sense, as opposed to partial sense.

I'm surprised someone that relatively unintelligent was able to correctly use the word hypothetical.

1st State of the Union address: *does chicken impression*
2nd State of the Union address: 'Everybody lies, including me during my campaign'
3rd State of the Union address: 'I will now use my real accent to reveal that I am a British sleeper agent tasked with taking over America, confiscating the vast majority of guns,

This marks the 2nd show I've seen in which a character is told that and then their life takes a specific turn I won't mention.

Alternatively, in this universe, the British committed troops to Vietnam, enabling the US to win the war, or at least lose it less decisively, and as a result successfully persuaded Carter to take advantage of the anti-political climate post-Watergate to introduce electoral reform enabling the British-style rise of

2 gay/bi characters, including 1 sort-of-main one, have been introduced now.

She thought she'd lost Pennsylvania and she didn't expect to win Washington (for some reason) or Florida.

Yeah, if only Bush had won. We'd never have gone to war with China over their surplus emissions - probably just gone to war with Iraq or someone similarly disregarded by many Americans.

My son's a box! Damn you! A booooooooooooooooooooooox!