There was one episode where Eccles kept saying 'I resign!'
There was one episode where Eccles kept saying 'I resign!'
You always say that! He wants to take a chance!
I love the audible evil in that whisper.
Hitler Ate Sugar. Wonka made sugary snacks. They were obviously in league together.
And in the UK the minimum wage is the rough equivalent of $9.55. Makes you want to support Sanders.
Much better than the UK, where we just name our private parts after Famous Five characters.
It can be two things.
Nah. Alaskans desperately need to keep their minds occupied with culinary concerns lest they die from lack of food or go insane from lack of light. Plus all the vampires.
Yes. I have more in common with Maryland.
One other person has been typing for a really long time. Prepare for a long comment. Mine is short: why'd you hate it?
Evangelisti ite domum.
Did he refer to all Dominicans as Pepe? Or take a photo of himself on a segregated beach?
Hey, that really sucked!
Indeed. The only way a show can skew too female (as opposed to skewing too close to a Hollywood executive's stereotyped view of femininity) is if its regulars fail the reverse Bechdel test.
Indeed. The only reason we still use the word 'race' in a post-eugenics era is because we haven't come up with a better word yet to describe prejudice against differently-coloured-than-ourselves-people than the one invented by the people who thought racism was a good thing. If you were to call somebody who shall not…
The word colored doesn't still fly down here. White/colored isn't an either/or.
I'm from the UK and we're not practically the same as Ireland. We have an affinity and common language with Ireland, but a wildly divergent cultural and political history. The Republic of Ireland became independent from the UK in 1921 because it had a sufficiently distinct identity to want to govern itself. Scotland,…
That's a good point. The general lack of represented genitalia on toys and action figures would suggest that gender is especially irrelevant when it comes to production, as gender is not properly represented on the figures anyway.
'Jo, please invent a middle initial so audiences won't know you're a woman'
'Jo, we're changing your book's name over here because I think my compatriots are too stupid to understand/too dull to care what a philosopher is'
'Philip, we won't accept your book over here because I think my compatriots are too stupid to…
So in place of a dark lord we will have a queen?