Disney's rich enough that if they had even moderately sized reproductive organs they could introduce a gay princess and further reduce the bigoted agenda without taking a financial hit of long-term significance. Bigotry only runs so deep, particularly in a society that has equalised relationships and criminalised…
Leaving aside the fact that the fall of Lucifer is almost certainly just a story made up by tribal chieftains to stop their kids from disobeying them (possibly in a well-meaning but misguided attempt to stop their kids from getting lost in the desert), why is it that none of your ilk ever seem to stop and think 'maybe…
What you would benefit from asking yourself is 'why do I care'? You're railing against something that hurts no-one and which is only done by those to whom it comes naturally. The answer to why you care is, I'm afraid, because you're uncomfortable with your own sense of self-esteem and you're taking it out on people…
Exactly. For example, we should stop tolerating it when people tell us we're not normal just because they don't understand us. We should tell them that bigotry is wrong and that we won't enable it until they stop doing it.
God's a concept and is therefore genderless. However if you were creating God in your own image, the only way the concept's meaningful, then judging by your username you should be saying She.
Couple of years at most. And it was only released in a small list of cinemas.
As a time traveller from 2030 I'd just like to express my great pleasure at discovering the comment thread which was the source of the epic, Breaking-Bad-rivalling TV show which was eventually named Case Review.
Maybe they've seen the bits in Two Towers where Pippin wants to go past Isengard because 'Saruman won't expect it' and where Pippin helps defeat Isengard, but haven't seen the bit in between where the plan was a ruse to get war declared.
You know the kind of guy who says nothing but bad things and then wonders why he doesn't get nominated for President? Well, that was Ted Cruz.
For the first time ever, a show I loved has been cancelled and I'm ecstatic. Serves the writers right for the terrible plot of Season 8 (we can't write conflict within a relationship, so we'll give a couple who wouldn't split up a terrible reason to split up and have them split up) and the showrunners right for the…
1) Doctor vs Bad Wolf Rose
2) Jack & Kate vs Sawyer & Juliet, which should have happened at the end of S5, when Juliet should have sided with Sawyer and they should have opposed Jack and Kate in the shootout.
'A few years later [the writers] tried to bring back [the hero] and company as McCarthy-era Red-busters, but it didn't have the same appeal as fighting Nazis'.
I feel like I've heard that before somewhere.
Based on the ill-fitting analogy (see comment below by El Ron Hubbardo; the English Civil War's a better one) he's the Confederacy - individual freedom vs federal control of actions.
If you kids can't keep your comments to yourself, I'm gonna turn this AV Club around, and there'll be no Better Call Saul review for anybody!
Chilton. They're the type of old-fashioned, tradition-loving school to do that sort of thing. Plus the headmaster was the Angel of Destiny so he can do what he wants.
I assume when you say Paris you mean Paris?
No condemnation without explanation!
I don't buy into the 'boys don't read girl-protagonist books' idea. It's nonsense based on an era in which girls tended to have fewer overall varied adventures because we had the breast milk. I doubt the average male would be turned off by femininity per se any more than I was turned off by Harry Potter not being…
We tend to be closer to our families because we're less independently-minded because we didn't grow up in an environment where most of our ancestors had fled from persecution. Also, where we are, stuff is usually much closer to other stuff than it is in the US. For example, despite the fact that Britain is not only…