
Because its every third season is a solid 8 out of 10.

Season 5 is the best season.

So that's where John Winchester is.

It's possible to be a shipper and not be obsessed with it nor have it be the main focus of your interest in the show. I'm not personally nauseated by the nicknames - I called myself a Huddy shipper until the end of S7 - when the narrative made that impossible for me - and overall I consider the shipping aspect nowhere

I don't understand your point here. I don't remember any characters for whom the narrative encouraged hatred because they threatened the Doctor and Rose's relationship, and I don't understand the idea that the Doctor cannot be questioned - The Waters of Mars shows him to be capable of monstrosity, and in Planet of the

Homer Simpson.

Christopher Lee would have made a great Merriman Lyon in The Dark Is Rising Sequence if they'd made a good film of the second book in 2007 instead of an absolutely terrible one. Then they could have gone on to make books 1, 3, 4 and 5 before he died and it would have been interesting to see him play a basically good

I am suspicious of the meaning behind the comma after 'comma'.

Don't run my life like you're Colonel Klink.

What would people here think of the next 3 presidents being Clinton, Kirk and Gillibrand?

Shouldn't you type all of your posts under that name in the third person?

Just the thought of reading a book on my phone instead of in, well, a book, gives me a headache and makes me imagine the world as a Matrix-style dystopia. I'm 27. Down with technology that doesn't improve my life.

E-books are one invention that need to feel slightly more of the lash of the hickory switch.

I don't like that one either. But I care for TIL much, much less.

I love Love and Monsters. I'd put End of Time Part 1 in the 'meh' column rather than 'dire'.

He's gay and she's an alien.

Next Doctor/companion combination: Daniela Denby-Ashe (Mary from Torchwood) as 13, John Boyega as African-born, London-raised, Midlands-resident British athlete and Rio alumnus.

When I said 'nothing' I should have said 'nothing except The Idiot's Lantern'.

One episode in Season 7.

Nothing about 2005- Doctor Who is dire. Seasons 1-5 are (with a couple of excepted episodes) phenomenally awesome. Seasons 6-9 are varying degrees of okay to good and occasionally great. Just a different opinion.