"In your tuchus you know he'll…"
"In your tuchus you know he'll…"
Hens love roosters, geese love ganders,
Everyone here loves Bernie Sanders.
I always associate Goldwater with that guy from Voyage of the Dawn Treader who died from jumping into a lake that turned things to gold. 'If America had elected him president, he'd have got you all killed from jumping headfirst into a situation involving powerful elements'.
"In your tit you know he'd be shit"
Hey, hey, LBJ, how many drug dealers did you kill today?
If he'd been president in 1970 he might have made the war last longer, not improved relations with China, and caused the history of White House since 1980 to swap parties due to a Republican presidency in 1979, possibly nullifying or improving the quality of the war on terror.
I have no idea. I was just attempting to rewrite the original post to make it make more sense.
That scene from the first season, wherein Daredevil was in some room for the first time, but knew exactly what was there, is, by far, worse.
After all this conversation is over I'm gonna need a whole lot of serious therapy. Look at my hand ttwitching.
They're in the same place as the hookers. Round back.
As a humanist atheist who was raised C of E, which for all its faults often felt more like a social club than an organised religion, one of the great unfortunate ironies of the world is that often the worst Christians are Christians.
One could also attribute the UK election wins of Blair and Cameron and the losses of Major and Brown to that principle.
What about Johnson? Marge likes him, although that might be for his politics. She did vote for Carter twice.
We'll choose the same way they pick the Pope. Whoever gets the black egg stays sober and is President.
How about Scotland, which may be the only place on Earth that seriously wants to ban Donald Trump?
Sometimes people who are terrible leaders end up in leadership positions.
I don't want him to be redeemed. I want him to be mock-executed Andrew Wells-style.
Who was more to blame for the problems of 1940s Norway? Hitler or Quisling?
It's about time the penniless hippies rose up.
I wouldn't use the word 'evils' in my case (or Hillary's, come to that) but I agree. I voted for Ed Miliband's party and was frustrated by all the 'they're only austerity-lite, why bother to try to replace the austerity party with them' comments.