

It would be interesting to see a more realistic cop show where they don't catch the killer every time. Like House where the patient died about 1 and a quarter times per season.

There's no narrative reason for Tilda Swinton to return in The Silver Chair. There is however very much of a reason for her to return as the same character, Queen Jadis, pre-wintry makeover, in a film of The Magician's Nephew, the best book of the septet, the only one where you can overlook the Christian-mythos

Yes. Very much so. Watch Season 1 and then at the end of it make the following assumptions:
1) Sylar is dead.
2) Hiro becomes Takezo Kensei then returns to the present.
This resolves the cliffhangers (unless I've forgotten any; I don't think I have) and makes further watching unnecessary.

Heroes: Revolutions?
Heroes Reiterated?
Heroes Regenerated?

They wouldn't have to make the movies contingent on watching the TV shows in order to have TV show characters the movies. Just reintroduce them for a movie audience. 'Tony, since the Inhumans are attacking I'm assigning you our Inhuman expert, Agent Johnson'/'Steve, if you need to track down the super-strong villain I

It's unfortunate that the AV Club has structured its links to articles like this:
'A Horror-Western, sturdy dishware and a
new look at Happy Endings'
'HBO has greenlit a
Deadwood movie'
When I first saw that out of the corner of my eye, I saw 'Happy Endings', 'greenlit' and 'movie' all at the same time.

Her quest is perfectly reasonable, even though there's no easy way to prove Hope's innocence. It's the right thing to do to try. Simpson was wrong.

Nitpick: he's playing an English person. Scottish is also British.

As a trans woman who watches The Big Bang Theory, that's how I reconcile myself to the use of that 'joke'.

I believe that only those who enjoy being single can enjoy being not single.

I've never heard a point that fits this well in my life.

The problem with that is that fiction needs to reflect reality to some extent, and reality is commonly procedural. I'm sure a balance can be found.

Also, who was the Doctor talking to at the end? The Time Lords? (Who, one can argue, ought to be called the Time Nobles.)

Okay, so I just rewatched the ending and let me see if I've got this straight: Ashildr's teleportation device took the Doctor straight to Gallifrey; she had nothing to do with the castle; the Doctor subconsciously devised that himself as a means of coming to terms with Clara's death and of, by not divulging his

Sure the eventual premise and its reveal were well-written and entertaining, but overall it was too open-ended and confusing to deserve the tag of 'one of the best episodes of the last 10 years'. I for one completely failed to get the idea that the castle had been inside his confession dial, which I only got from

Perhaps Carol will lead the group after Rick dies when the show ends and be the first one to organise a competent, WWZ-style zombie eradication, the kind I got the impression from somewhere recently Deanna was talking about, something to do with her drawn-up plans for the town.

The name of Ted Hughes' original story, in which a character is named Hogarth and on which that film was based, is Iron Man. Fitting for an MCU show.

I recommend you watch the Eccleston and Smith eras as well. You can skip The Idiot's Lantern.

As are we, Georgia.