
Did they ever resolve the 'dead bodies remain conscious' plotline? Do they still remain conscious? Or was that just bullshit thought up by Missy (who I would prefer to still be called the Master) to provide an excuse for harvesting the minds of the recently deceased?

I want the Christmas episode to feature Harkness and Song, after which I would like there to be twin companions, one of each gender with the woman being gay. One of them should be an athlete and the other should be in the police. Also they should be from an area of the UK which companions have not been from yet, such

The manner of her death contributes to the character-consistent idea that she died because she chose to continue travelling with the Doctor after she could have stopped.

Astrid's death was hard to understand what with the 'release her essence into the stars' deal, and Adelaide offed herself so was in full control of whether she died or not. Plus they were only 1-episode companions; much less time for us to get to know them. And Amy and Rory didn't die, they were transported

Similarly I'm annoyed that Peter Capaldi straight up said 'Tomorrow's episode is the end for Clara Oswald' on Friday night's Graham Norton Show. It made her death considerably less shocking. Which, considering I've been watching Doctor Who for over 10 years, since I was 16, and this is the first time (in the 05-

On the whole I think SM is not quite as into the family dynamic as RTD. It seems that with SM, as soon as you reach 18 you can die and have your body left in some alternate dimension or timestream and it doesn't matter if none of your older blood relatives ever find out what happened to you.

No but you clearly didn't miss any weeks of Everyone Is Jesus In Purgatory school.

And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor shall be lifted — nevermore.

The stasis pod would have kept her alive if she was alive. But she was dead. What's sloppy writing about that is that 12 didn't run through any of his paranormal options about dealing with dead people, like nanogenes or pandoricas.

What 'safety clause'? That's the weakest part of the episode for me, the poorly explained nature of why Ashildr couldn't save Clara. Ashildr rushed the delivery of that line - 'when you took it from him, you changed the terms' - which is not a proper explanation. It should have been something like 'When I make a

A British minister recently used the exact first sentence of this line on Question Time. I burst out laughing.

And a foine job yeh did too.

Can't you go five seconds without humiliating yourself?

There are enough of such people in my country that certain folks have developed a slur version of the word. Rhymes with an animal which the Simpsons claims hates water (also a brand of lighter). But well done, that was some courageous Romani dissent you showed in that post.

They should do it the following way: from Season 10, 'Simpsons Presentable'; from Season 18, 'Simpsons Gruesome', then by Season 19 or 23 or whenever the first modern-day Simpsons AV Club review is, it would finally be 'Simpsons', like it already is, and like Moe's descent in The Homer They Fall from 'Gorgeous' to

Thus proving Homer wrong that good things don't end in -eum.

They did, but then he was committed to a psychiatric hospital.

And Season 13 would have been a really good place to end the Simpsons. But, what are ya gonna do?

For creativity, not really. For unfortunate implications, definitely.

It's possile that the elderly security guard is the same character as the one who announced that the prohibition law was repealed 199 years ago. He has the same voice, sort of.