Bart Fargo

See? Further examples of why SCTV should be annotated in detail. I'll enjoy the Fishin' Musician even more more now knowing it's a parody of a real show.

I"ve been doing the same thing and it's true—SCTV is a time capsule from the early 1980s, when Gene Shalit was a national figure, when the Boomtown Rats were cool, when Tip O'Neill was a household name. There ought to be a second commentary track by a historian to explain the jokes….

1965, immortalized in a song by White Zombie.

"Peanuts" by the Police
From "Outlandos D'amour"

For ther Stones,
"Ms. Amanda Jones"
and "2000 Man"

Yep. I have three VINYL LPs of theirs and they're darn good.


Related to cliches, there's also making lame puns around a names, usually a woman's name

Titles with a Gerund and a name
You'll recall a gerund is a verb acting as a noun, usually ending in "ing". Usually a bad sign. Here's a few of the top of my head

In a movie trailer, "Welcome to the Jungle" = "This Will Suck"
It long ago replaced "Bad To The Bone" as the lazy way to show how hardcore and relentless someone is, or to illustrate how rough and crazy a situation is.

I reach you magnus!

Why was the hippie music audible throughout the Enterprise?
Scott's side-kick is grooving to it, Dr. Servin's guard is swaying to it, it's echoing down the hallways but why? Normally the ambient sounds of the rec room aren't piped throughout the ship.

I double and triple checked it—they even superimposed her face on the episode promo during a Star Trek marathon in the 1990s.

"Zetar" Really Scared Me As A Kid…
The wierd gurgling noises, Romaine's pre-congition of death, the way the woman's face on Memory Alpha kept changing colors as she struggled to speak, that seemed like one of the only times someone on TV actually seemed to be really suffering. Usually an alien would make a red shirt