
No but Hanks hardon for him could be stopped by state lines. No one was trying as hard as he was to take him down and no one would've either.

I hate how this is ending. Really hate it. All Walt had to do was leave to another state and hank couldn't touch him. I get this whole connection deal with jesse and trying to get him to reason but it's plot horseshit. Walt has no legal bounds to him at all and tons of cash to lift and move his family.

I kind of want everyone to die except for Marie, Skylar and the kids. Walt, Hank, Gomie, Jesse, all of them. Even the blonde douche. And then Lydia is left with nothing and the money is still in tact. 

Huell has a really fun last name to say, yes? AMIRIGHT? 

I know it's supposed to be an adult show, but am I the only one who thinks the dialogue could be a little "louder"? Literally lol. It's a quiet speaking show. 

This is acted really well, but Beans character is scary as a father and the wording off of each others lines is kind of annoying. It's also really really long as an episode to episode basis. I can't be the only  who thinks that.

I would put Dr Who ahead of Louie but I agree with your top 3 perfectly. Sometimes the GW is better than Breaking Bad because of the way it's shot and the story comebacks from Alicia's firm.

Touche, douche.

I know he's done a lot of stuff, but isn't Franco a little too young to be roasted just yet? He's only 32

What kind of a question is that? lol. Is that even a question? You're boring me.

It came in after mountain time because I waited to download it. Commercials can kiss my ass. Oh and by the way so can you. And what was I joking about? It's been a good solid day and I don't care to look back at the comment you're referring too. 

I'm upset that he did it twice and it isn't the first time. Plus the writers are kind of lazy with Jesses dialogue.  Plus, Brock wasn't his kid last time I checked. And when does Walt what ever it is that he does, it's always for a good reason.

I was going to mention Lydia but like I said, Michigan girls lol. Other than that yes, I'd choose Lydia over Marie. Better legs, shoter, nicer face/lips. Eyes the whole thing. And wtf does LF mean? lol I don't remember mentioning that at all. 

Lol her TV husbands shrank. Shes tall but her sister still has bigger hands than her lol. Fine by me I'm a brunette man.

Up until the last few seconds, I was pulling for team White, and still am because Jesse really annoys the crap out of me. Like, a lot. Really a lot. The whole asshole thing. I'm sorry but I'm still pulling for Walt to win. Terrible that he has to use Todd and his uncle (which I don't like how it's come to) but it

And I'm sorry but I'm not much of a MILF type guy, but am I also the only one who finds Marie pretty damn sexy in a Barbarella type way?? lol I guess I have a bias towards Michigan girls lol.

Am I the only one who laughed his ass off when Cranston started talking about Sauls metaphors? lol I mean come…on. good stuff. I'm going to miss this show. Only what,  4 left?

Well then you really need to re watch Cranstons details in his acting and pay attention. The man is gold x10.

His children still being "kids" and watching them grow up isn't anything left to live for? His stand by me Hitler wet dream of a wife isn't anything left to live for? The fuck are you talking about? lol

Or anything. Birds, snakes, cats. Thanks for pointing out that was late to the party for no other reason than to show it online.