
Best Dr Who episode ever?

I just want to know how Vader was able to stand on his ship.

This is great episode. Not the best but good. I like the Britishness that Stephanie decorated the house with. She was great.

Billie Piper has done wonders with her turn to the dark side and I hope to see a lot more of it. Then you are alone good sir. I can't stand her face or get over her teeth lol. Plus shes the one who has had to (at least to me) work the hardest to get me to appreciate her acting chops.

but her backwards escape from his room through the mirror is pretty cool, nonetheless. It's also sexy as shit.

Great episode

Whhhhat?!?! lol How far back do i need to go to actually get whats happening? Two episodes? Three?

Wait until you see a real girl wearing and dancing in it lol. I'm Macedonian and I see ALL the time lol. Just a bunch of round cheeked Haleys dancing around and spinning handkerchiefs. Makes you want to rip their clothes off.

Klattenhoffs a douche nozzle on this show. His eyes are always in either pigheaded law man mean mode, and he's always yelling his commands. He loves his country a little too much and uses his power too easily. I don't like how he plays him. He even barked at the Dr telling them about the disease.

It's pretty obvious by now tat Red is Elizabeth's dad. from the preview of the next ex and the way things have been working out, it makes it pretty obvious.

I've been watching the whole time and I don't remember Kirk Acevedo joining the team in any way. I don't remember seeing him much at all anyway in the last three episodes. When did he actually join

Shes an easy blonde lay with some curve to her? lol That's all I can some up with. Like I said, it would've been better if (like most girl on this show) that she was just some random blonde actress who was hired to get it done.

Okay some disclosure first here. I actually watched the first season of this show and couldn't really get into the story much but it grew on me. Now I caught some of this episode and personally I can't really get past Arquette's character. I like her as a salty care taker with a heart of gold who lets Nuk get some on

Am I the only one who enjoys the China island past story a lot more than the current one? The kid is taking way too long to actually become Olivers sidekick and he's whiny. At least they're writing/twisting his stubbornness that way.

Right and why couldn't they just give Cass a job? lol Watching him be homeless is something we've already seen from him from season 6 and 7. The whole, oh this is what it's like to be human, bit is old. Making him homeless is just adding to the pile,

I have to admit that was one of the cooler openings I've seen in a while

i bet Haley is Claires favorite kid which leaves Alex (my favorite, no comment beyond that) left alone to fend for her curvy bookworm self. We middle children have it so hard these days. Even if you and your siblings are all adults.

What? The other lady was more attractive. A fact is a fact. Taste is taste man

Not really lol. I'm not digging the Oreos man. You can have her. And her face is a little too long. Being serious here.

I laughed a little when Leslie said that the new Anne wasn't as beautiful. She was WAY more beautiful. I think at least. Cheekbones and eyes. DtotheP, out son.