dr. strangemonkey

Yeah, it sounds like a pastoral response not a general teaching.

Well, also, y'know it's not like modernity is beyond critique from that perspective - alterity being a flipside to nostalgia and all.

Locally people don't have screens because they never open their windows except for stealthy ingress and egress.

Well, yes, later generations will cohere around different identifiers.

Two of the most horrible people among my friends felt the most at home in Boston, which is almost a worse condemnation than the actual most horrible I've met being from there.

That's the theory, but the evidence is actually pointing in the other direction. Some specific regional accents are fading away, but Americans are, in general, becoming more settled and linguists are seeing the expected geographical differentiation without the expected technological intervention.

I was gonna say.

Even Beowulf - the one time they do consistently look cool - is a Geat.

I'm deeply unconvinced that benevolence boils down to a simple will to prevent suffering.

I do think the 'awesomeness' component is under-recognized in this debate.

I did. My troop had a huge contingent of older kids, it was amazing. Just a lot of time to listen to music, be out and about in nature, and talk shit with light adult supervision and the chance to occasionally do interesting things or be of service.

Or you can go way back for Echo-boomers.

Demographers who noticed spikes in birth rates, followed by demographers who studied under demographers who noticed spikes in birth rates.

I think there are enough non-war generational touchstones to make it semi-work.

I do feel like they have the bones in place to BECOME a good ensemble show, just that they seem nervous about it for some reason.

It does feature a lot of people armed/trained by Cold War policies, regimes, and material.

He certainly saves every episode of AoS he's in.

I think it's at least somewhat fair to use unenviable as a synonym for worthless.

Yeah, I really don't understand the 'English' aspect at all. The last movie revealed he was Scottish and wasn't the underpinning aspect of the character that he was an orphan who could be entirely brought up as a 'company man'?