dr. strangemonkey

Oh, that's so sad.

No shame in the civil service or post office for any degree.

For the record, farmers, in general, do still do a lot of hard work with their hands and arms. But there's a lot of different kinds of farm workers out there and for farmers who are actually landlords I imagine soft hands are pretty much a thing.

* slowest, most politely mid-western golf clap *

As a former Dallas Nanny friend of mine put it:
"If you see it in a rich person's house and it's not from Niemann's it's from Target."

I'm skeptical. I think this is a narrative that makes a some coherence out of the disparate nature of revolutionary times, but I think that coherence is (a) a little too convenient and (b) somewhat reliant on flattening the timelines in question and (c) not all fringes are the same.

Actually, it strikes me as entirely Jackie appropriate that she has completely distinct double standards with regard to what's appropriate for the men in her family and with regard to what she personally wants and desires.

I thought that they resolved that in episode with Grace saying she wasn't done with the faith, just with her faith-groups and even then only temporarily.

I feel like it's somehow more appropriate that Dennis has never killed or harmed anyone - there's just a definite point in any of his assignations where the recording equipment shuts off and the other person leaves in a decided state of confusion as Dennis waits quietly in a fugue state.

Really go for broke, throw a bunch of boomers in there, the entire male cast of the West Wing, and every voice actor from Toy Story.

Well, it's not a good explanation so much as a coherent one, but that's a fair point.

* carefully chalks mortar board onto side of blind *

I am talking about something different!

'Hunting accidents' are a thing, sirrah.

Also, firearms.

I'm kinda impressed from this interview by the degree to which it seems to be a direct satire of B-school culture. I had thought that was just a fig-leaf for the 'consultant' aspect of the show, but the way he got into the economic crisis makes it seem far more significant.

Gotta agree, and it has the most overlap with the other theories and data non-Yorick-group people had around.

Please don't wuss it on gender switched Swiss Guards and "…the highest kicking dude in the Rockettes" Mother Superior.

The irony is: It Honestly Does.

Soooo…. should we all just start writing the semi-well-meaning but entirely confused and somewhat ignorant screeds about women as zombies NOW or should we wait till the first wave has passed and we can steal the best bits for the post-BDSM therapy second wave?