dr. strangemonkey

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Six-Gun Glory Whore

Man, though, Donna Reed gets a hard deal in that movie. She has that amazing scene and the doctor's just like, "Golly, I must not have given her enough sedatives," and off she goes.

I knew a guy who thought that Top Gun love scene was the finest ever filmed. I watched it to give him a fair hearing and concluded: If I were in that room making that love and there was that much blue lighting? I would fairly conclude that I myself had been replaced by a body double.

We did see them kill a family of farmers while framing it on a marginalized local ethnic group.

Ok, now I want the Director's Ultra-Deep cut of Avengers: Age of Ultron.

Me too. I've gotta lot of conservative Catholics in my social network whom I otherwise admire and while I love the capacity for re/interpretation in Catholicism broadly, I'd even be plenty happy with some current interpretations just gaining greater currency among them.

You're doing {accurately costumed} god's own work here.

That it didn't happen during the convention makes me think it won't happen.

I like this interpretation a lot.

How long did Westerns last?

I'd feel more sanguine about that if I didn't have a fair suspicion that this sort of thing is basically what's saving any better projects in movies from being better work that isn't movies.

But there will be a confusing non-sequitor scene from it released every halloween until then.

Oh, you gonna taunt me with some hope now?

This sounds pretty cool, and I'm happy to have the deep background on the director.

Maybe it would help to know that the argument is sort of straw man from either side and that actual religious motivation/demotivation is fairly various?

Consistently awarded the best joke about religion by religious people.

Giving that coin TO your grandma is obviously a waste. You give it to someone else FOR your grandma.

I think it's people who deal in absolutes who deal in absolutes? Also, obviously, Sith.

Eh, I actually find the (occasional) next step of the debate "Of course I'm an asshole, and so are you so stop fronting and let up on tunics (a clearly superior article of clothing)" to be fairly inspiring in its own right.

Well, really, it's just MORE purgatory for your grandma and more of… wherever people who don't have quarters for grandma go.