dr. strangemonkey

I'm a MUCH bigger fan of the plenary indulgence.

I'm doing Mason & Dixon right now as part of a Lenten project. I'm maybe 30% through?

Oh Jenna Moran, so awesome. I'm excited to hear about The Fable of the Swan.

Like a lot of songs on various Hate Lists (and alcoholics), you can see how it would be great at a party (because of its problems) and horrible in all other contexts including plural parties (because of its problems).

If Ireland's THE symbol it's an awfully weak symbol - except as one part of an awfully fluid project. Obviously, any part of the whole has its own significance, but Ireland is an imperial project that began weird and 'ended' weird. Britain was still adding possessions after the Republic was formed and its not as

I'd like to nominate Baby, it's Cold Outside. Though it's a strange case where you can tell there is a fun thing there that dies immediately upon you hearing it twice in any given year.

Actually, they have fucking terrible aerodynamics.

My favorite was some years back when the third paragraph of some credentials establishing auto-biographical paragraph featured the line "…and I survived the hell of a Jesuit high school."

Well, Prady's clearly not ordained either, which was part of the comparison I think.

There was a recent candidate in LA who had a relatively similar background to Prady - though he was happily married and wrote up some cool stuff on the experience of being an unsuccessful candidate in the period before this arc came through.

Ugh, Damn It. Now there's this AND the Mass Effect Sitcom to DVR on my fictional pop-culture fiction channel.

I have never not known I needed something so much as I did not know I needed a Mass Effect sitcom till I read this comment.

Taking the Sunday exception? Good man.

As a yahoo, I prefer to think of myself as down with arms, because they are cool (A) and (B) the crowd-surfing implication of 'up in arms' is uncomfortable to me.

I do get squigged out by the context of her and Elfman's professional relationship though. I can understand the broad context, but in the specific? Not too cool.

Yeah, I've been following actual Jesuit media on this, they are (as you might expect) amusedly bemused.

I do want to make it clear how weird it was that their weren't any guides there. I had actually used LWV to find the place where I was voting, so it's not as though they were inactive locally.

I'd like to think I wouldn't vote for her. I agree on basically all of your points, though, and I think voting for someone like Prady - a responsible local 'public intellectual' - would be cool.

I agree that I want to see Alicia the character as the SA, but I can't see how that works with the other characters in the show.

The US, Russia, and China all have both old style hegemonies in their spheres of influence and old style empires within their borders. I'm not certain what you mean by official, certainly none of them have emperors, but that's rarely been a restrictive criteria. I'm not particularly sanguine on Britain/the Age of